Wednesday 20 May 2020

Biking Is Hard! (May 19, 2020)

I was up early this morning and back to work - yee haw!

Had a couple meetings this morning so didn't really get a chance to eat anything until lunchtime.

I made us egg wraps for lunch with cucumber and orange slices.

It was back to the treadmill for me today.
I am jogging for 10 minutes at a time today and I bumped it up to 3.1.

Even only doing 10 minutes at a time, I'm working up a sweat.
Feels good to get my sweat on.
Before you know it, I'll be back to jogging for an hour at a time, at a 4.0 and even higher.
I still want to run a marathon by (or at) 50 - I'm going to work hard to try to get there.

Of course now that the long weekend is over, the weather turned nice so My Honey cooked up supper and we ate outside.

Chicken, shrimp, corn and salad.
We had strawberry balsamic vinegar for the dressing on the salad and it was easy and good.

This is Professor Snuggles 'punishment' for using the couch as his personal scratching post.

Cuddles with My Honey.

He tolerates it  (or maybe endures it) but you can see in his eyes that he certainly doesn't enjoy it.

After supper, we got out bikes out and went for a bike ride.

We stopped by my son's mainly because biking is super hard and I needed a break but we also wanted to have a little visit too.
I didn't take my phone in so no pictures but we had a Baby Shark dance party.
Baby F is getting so good at doing the actions.

Going up the small hill by our house is so hard - I want to start going for a bike ride every day just to get better at that hill.

My Honey is back to work tomorrow so we didn't stay up too late.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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