Saturday 9 May 2020

Food Surprises (May 5, 2020)

My Honey cooked us up a couple eggs for breakfast.
Had them over some left over taco hamburger with salsa and the avocado salsa he made the other day.
Eggs and salsa go so well together.

It's so nice that I can just go to work and My Honey brings me in breakfast while I'm working.
I'm going to miss him when he goes back to work tomorrow.
Not just because he feeds me but I'm going to miss the company.

Throughout the day I managed to rack up over an hour on the treadmill.

Yay me.
I am loving the color of my hair.
I was thinking of doing something different like red but so glad I stuck to plain old brown.
I think it's my color.

My Honey cooked up shrimp on the bbq with just lemon and spices.
No oil or butter or anything.

He cooked us up some broccoli too.

I made the cucumber, strawberry, onion salad I saw on WW.
It has lemon poppyseed dressing and I was surprised to see how high the points were for the dressing.
It was good though.

Everything was delicious and the shrimp is so low in points.
Think it's going to become a staple for us.

Miss Z went over to visit her sissy and they 'dyed' her hair green, not permanently, it just washes out.
She loved it.

One thing about this social distancing that I don't like is that I miss seeing the kids, I haven't seen Miss Z in a couple months now and a lot can change for kiddos in that amount of time.

If everyone stays healthy it's worth it but I do miss them.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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