Thursday 21 May 2020

Listening to My Body (May 20, 2020)

My Honey was back to work today so I was back to being by myself for the day.
It was a busy morning.

I did get downstairs once this morning and hopped on the treadmill.
I jogged at a 3.1 for 14 minutes then did 1 minute at 4.0.

I really feel like I'm going to reach my goals this time so I want to take lots of 'before' pictures.

Here's the side view.
I can't wait for my 'after' pictures!

I made egg wraps for lunch and had cucumber and an orange slice with them.
I ran out briefly to check the mail then when I got back, I hopped back on the treadmill.
This time I jogged for 19 minutes at 3.1 and 1 minute at the end at 4.0.

The afternoon kind of dragged by.
Near the end of the day, I had to go to the office to print off a few things because my printer at home stopped working.

When I got there, there were a bunch of vehicles in the parking lot.
SG, SV, JRA, BL and TC were all there.
It was nice to see them all - I miss them.

It took a bit longer to print everything off than I planned so NCT ended up showing up at my place to go for our walk and I wasn't there.
So I just stopped by her place when I left work and we went for a walk from there.

When I got home, I hopped on the treadmill one last time.
I wanted to jog for another 10 minutes or so at 3.1 but a minute into jogging, my left foot started really hurting.
I was bummed.
Maybe I pushed a bit too hard today? I don't know.
I don't want to injure myself so I immediately slowed the pace down and just walked instead.
I put Parenthood on and watched for about 10 minutes.
It was nice to catch up with the Braverman's - since I've been jogging, I've been watching music videos on Youtube.

Got my 10,000 steps (and some) in for the day!

It was a beautiful day today so Miss H took Baby F to the lake with her friend and her daughters.

Trying out the hula hoop.

Bubble blowing is always a fun activity.

Looks like she took her baby with her.

Girls just want to have fun!

I roasted brussel sprouts with onions and garlic for supper.
I got pork chops ready to cook then when My Honey got home, he took care of cooking them and I made some instant mashed potatoes.
They are high in points (4 for a 1/2 cup) but oh so good and worth every point in my opinion.

After supper, we got our bikes out and went for a bike ride.

It's so hard on the butt!
Just hard in general too - we live in a hilly town so the hills are unavoidable and they are hard!
Going to keep at it though until they get easier!

I saw a couple cute ideas on Facebook today.
Thought My Honey could make these with all the scrap wood we have.

This looks like something that Miss H would really like.
Might get My Honey to make one for her.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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