Friday 15 May 2020

Getting My MOJO Back! (May 12, 2020)

My breakfast plate today.
The pear was a the perfect ripeness and it tasted so good.

When I got on the treadmill today, I felt the urge to go faster.
I haven't felt that way in a long time so it felt great.

So today, each time I got on the treadmill, I jogged for 10 minutes.
Just at a 3.0 speed but still, I was very proud of myself.
My feet weren't bothering me, I wasn't getting out of breath, I'm making progress!

My goal is to work on my endurance for now and later I can start working on speed.

Feeling wonderful.

Miss H posted some funny pictures of Ozzy today.

He is getting so big already, sure didn't take long.

Goofy dog!

For supper, I picked up some pork chops.
I roasted up some cauliflower, made a very low calorie coleslaw and My Honey grilled the chops.
They were perfectly seasoned and juicy and just oh so good.

We stayed up late watching more Nadiya.
My Honey starts days off tomorrow, I'm looking forward to having him home with me.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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