Wednesday 6 May 2020

Family of Budding Artists! (May 2, 2020)

The kitties got into a bit of a scuffle this morning, My Honey had to separate them.

Professor Snuggles had a mouth full of Paddington's fur.
It happens every now and then - minutes later they could be laying together cuddling.

Does he look sad and regretful?

My brunch platter, it was very good.

It was a nice day so we went over to visit my son and his family.
When we first got there, Baby F ran and stood in the corner of the fence, looking at it.
She wanted nothing to do with us, wouldn't even turn around to look at us for the first five minutes or so but then she warmed right up and all was good.

We had brought her over a new shovel and bucket for the beach or a sandbox.
They still have a pile of snow at the bottom of their yard so she & My Honey filled the bucket with it and made snow castles.

Then my son had the brilliant idea to get out the sidewalk chalk.

It became a chalk party.

Mommy drew out a hopscotch board.

Baby F helped.

First Hopscotch game for Baby F!

She wanted to be in charge of the chalk dispersement.

"Here Mom, you can have one"

My son is quite the artist, he had the Sesame Street characters down!
I said that I would never have been able to draw them from memory like he did but he said that they have been watching a lot of Sesame Street lately so it wasn't hard.
Sesame Street and Dora the Explorer are Baby F's favorites right now.

Getting the hang of it.

Ha ha - look at her go.

Hopscotch pro over here.

Sidewalk chalk is a lot of fun, bring out a bucket of it and everyone suddenly becomes artists.

Giving orders to My Honey.

She would give him one color to draw with, let him get started then take it back and give him another color.
It was pretty funny.

She's overseeing his drawing now, making sure she's happy with it.

The boss!

Lost deep in thought.

By the time we were done, the yard was looking pretty good.

We sat on the deck for a bit just enjoying the sunshine.

It was nice enough to bring the patio furniture back out.

My sweet girl.

Got the wagon out so My Honey could take her for a walk.

He pulled her around the yard for a bit at first.

Then he took her out and down the road for a little walk, next thing you know, I see this little head pop up over the fence.

She thought that was pretty funny.

When he brought her back, it was time for snack.

We broke out the cheese popcorn.

It's good stuff!

We headed home after that so we could get some supper, it was getting kind of late.
We had taco salad with home-made corn tortillas.
The ground beef was higher in points but I had lots to use so it was all good.

Saw this on Facebook - OMG, they are calling for snow tomorrow night!!!
So not right!

SEE! Mortal enemies this morning and now best buds.

After supper I worked on a couple of little projects.

We went for a walk and as we walked by my niece's place, I remembered that she'd called and asked me to go let her puppy out.

So My Honey got to meet Frank,

They hit it off right away.

He isn't the prettiest looking cat I've ever seen, he almost looks scary when you first see him but he is so cuddly and sweet.

Miss H posted this cute picture of Baby F.
I commented on how cute the outfit was and My Honey reminded me that we'd bought it for the weekend that we took the kids to the city.
They helped us pick it out.

Saw this recipe on WW Connect and I so can't wait to try it!

Also someone on WW Connect mentioned they'd done Leslie Sansone and that they loved them.
I looked them up and realized that I used to have a few of her DVD's that I used to do all the time.
I'm going to give a few of her new ones a try.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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