Wednesday 27 May 2020

Weigh In Day (May 25, 2020)

Well it's Monday which means it's weigh in day!
You know you are doing things right when you look forward to weigh in day.

I wasn't disappointed either, 3.4 lbs down.
I'm feeling so good about myself and the more I lose the more I want to try.

I know that consistency is hard and motivation ebbs and flows but I'm feeling really determined and I believe I'm really going to reach my goals this time.

I had a protein packed brunch and it was really good.

Oh to have a cats life.

They love to nap - I guess in reality there isn't much else for them to do.
My Honey always jokes that they have it bad but you know, in a way, maybe they do, poor things.

I ran down to the post office today and was excited to see the internet hub I ordered was in!
My internet has been painfully slow lately and last week I decided that I just couldn't take it anymore.

I had a few meetings today and I didn't want to mess up my internet connections so I decided to wait until after work to get it set up.

I only hopped on the treadmill a couple times today.
I did jog at a 3.2 and it's feeling ok.
I might stick at that for another week - we'll see how it goes next week.
I want to push myself but not to the point of injury.

My toe on my right foot is bothering me a little.
I'm afraid that I'm getting a bunion.
I don't wear tight shoes or pointed shoes or high heels so I'm not sure why - like every other health concern I have, I always blame it on my weight.

I might have to break down and go get an x-ray at some point but for now, I'm babying it and hoping that the weight loss will help.

My Honey found this egg and it was so delicate that it broke when he picked it up.
He figured the bird had hatched from it very recently.
We found some before and they are really beautiful.

Miss H had an interview at the golf course at 5 and my son was working so I got to go over and babysit Baby F for a while.
We got her stroller out and went for a walk.

It seemed like the bar meant to go across her lap was obstructing her view so I took it off.
Thank goodness I had her strapped in because otherwise she would have been out of there.

She pushed right up as far as she could go and sat like that for at least half of the walk.

When we got back to the house she was pretty much sitting on the foot rest.

We played outside for a while then I took her in for a snack.

I gave her a yogurt and she ate the whole entire thing again.
She is really digging yogurt these days!

My Honey made her a flower wreath at work.
He was hoping to drop by to her after work if I was still there but I only ended up being there for about an hour.

Her mom brought fudge sticks home with her so Baby F had one and so did I.
4 points so not too bad - totally worth it.

Want a bite?

When I left, Ozzy was pushed up against the wall having a nap.
He looked so funny.

When I got home, I warmed up some leftover salsa chicken and made a wrap for supper.
I had some home made cole slaw with it.
I made a dressing that is very low in points for it and it was really good.
I'm working on getting all the chicken eaten up but it hardly looks like I've made a dent in it so far.

My Honey had lots of leftovers from his work bbq that he brought home yesterday and we just aren't going to get them eaten so when he got home, we took them over to my son's place.

It was a good excuse to drop by and see Baby F and give her the flower wreath.

My Honey was petting Louie and Baby F got stern with him and was saying 'my Louie' but then she just got up there and was climbing all over him within minutes.

She wanted up on his shoulders.

She is such a little climber and she has no fear which is kind of scary to be honest.
You have to keep a really close eye on her because you never know what she's going to try to climb next.

Then it was time to get her jammies on.

She loves to take My Honey's glasses and try them on, she also took his hat today.
Just being the cool kid she is.

We put the flower wreath on her then I showed her how pretty she looked.

She was primping and preening in the phone so I had to video so of course she immediately stopped and started making animal sounds instead.

I think she quite liked her little floral wreath.

It was a bit big for her because it kept falling down over her head.

Daddy fixed it for her.

She didn't seem to want to take it off.

So she kept it on for a bit while she played until she got tired of it falling around her neck.

When we go over there to visit, it's hard for us to leave because we just love being with her so much.
She's such a little character.

We took her to the bathroom mirror so she could see herself which she enjoyed for a minute until she got distracted by her toothbrush.

So she brushed her teeth instead.

Eventually we did have to leave and let them get her ready for bed.
I told them that we are ready to have her for a sleep over anytime that they are ready now.

Not sure how it will go but we are certainly willing to give it a try.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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