Wednesday 13 May 2020

Happy Mother's Day (May 10, 2020)

I couldn't believe my eyes when I looked outside this morning.

It snowed!!!

Not only had it snowed, but it was still snowing.
Yuck - enough already.

I got up when My Honey left for work, made myself a coffee then found something to watch.

I settled on Chasing Happiness - the story of the Jonas Brothers.
I never really knew much about them to be honest but I enjoyed the show.

I made myself an omelette for breakfast and had some pear and cucumber with it.

It was still miserable out so I decided to watch another movie - still in a Jonas Brothers kind of mood.
They have a few songs that I like already even though I didn't necessarily know that they were the artists.
I feel like I've become a sort of fan though, I'm going to check out more of their stuff anyway.

The snow petered off and even though it wasn't gorgeous out, it was nice enough to go for a walk.
I walked down to the store then over to my son's to drop a Mother's Day gift off to Miss H.

The family was just chillaxing on the couch watching, you guessed it, Dora the Explorer.

I don't think they watch anything else at their place these days.

She's completely enthralled.
Her mom turned it so she could watch a show herself for a bit and Baby F was not happy.
I let her watch Dora on my phone instead and she was happy with that.

When she had her fill of Dora, she went back to playing.

Miss H posted this precious shot of her and Baby F.

I had walked home and was watching some ParentHood then Mom asked if I'd take her to the store.
She wanted to pick up treats and take them to the family.

So we headed down and picked up cupcakes for everyone.
We dropped some off to Miss M first then we headed back to my son's to drop some off to them.

Baby F was still watching Dora.
She and her Dad were eating chips and chip dip.

She just kept dunking the same chip in the dip and eating off the dip then dunking the same chip back in for more dip.

I could barely get her attention away from the screen.
We only had a quick visit anyway because we still had another stop.

We stopped by my brother's place to drop some treats off to them.

Miss M and the kids had gone camping with friends over the weekend and slept in a camper.
Mr H slept on the top bunk and he fell out through the night.
Miss M's friend caught him before he hit the floor but he still got pretty scraped up.
It was scary but he's doing good.

Miss A was her chatty self.

Mr H took my phone and took some pictures.
He got one of his dad.

Super close up of me, ha ha!
Not exactly a flattering picture.



His mom, his sissy and Alex the Cat.

He and I took selfies together.

Funny faces.

Funny face selfie with sissy.

He had to show me his bag popping trick he and his dad perfected.

We had a short but nice visit.
Mom hadn't seen them in a couple months so she was really happy to see them.

A friend of theirs built a sandbox in the backyard for Mr H.
It turned out really good - I have a feeling it's going to be really well used.

I ordered some flowers for mom from a local florist and she dropped them off this afternoon.

Mom gave me a card with some money and my niece had dropped off a card for me yesterday.

I made myself 2 little pizza's on whole wheat wraps for supper.
My Honey was having his Sunday bbq at work today so I knew he wouldn't be that hungry when he got home.

I gave my sister a call just to wish her a Happy Mother's Day.
Her posting came in and she will be moving to Shearwater in August and she is very happy about it.
I wish she was coming closer to us out here in Alberta but as long as she is happy, that's the main thing.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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