Wednesday 20 May 2020

Rainy Day (May 18, 2020)

It was a good thing we went with the bbq yesterday because we woke up to a downpour this morning.

It was Monday so it was my weigh in day.
I was down 2.8 lbs - that makes 14 down now since I started.
Very proud of myself - I always knew I could do this, the secret is just buckling down and doing it.

We had slept in a bit since it was just one of those days then My Honey made us egg wraps for breakfast with a side of orange (and coffee).
So good!

Even Paddington was licking his lips.

We were chilling on the couch and he was giving me lots of scratchy kitty kisses.

Selfie with mom.

Had to have one with Dad too except mom wasn't very good and keeping Paddy-Bear in the frame.

I wasn't getting much steps in so I found a Leslie Sansone 20 minute long walking video and did it in the living room.
I only got a couple thousand steps from doing it but it got my heart rate up and my blood pumping.
I used to have a few of her dvd's and I did them all the time, I'd forgotten about her until someone on the WW page mentioned her.
The workouts are just walking mainly and I quite like them.

The rain let up for a bit so we decided to go for a walk.
It looked like it still could rain again at anytime so we just dressed accordingly.
If we get caught in it, no big deal, a little rain never hurt anyone.

Well, except these worms.
The pavement was just covered in them - you could even smell worm.
We just swept all the dead ones off the cement in the back yesterday and now it's going to be covered again.

We saw this crows nest in the buildings at the top of the hill.
It's huge!

My Honey made us blue corn waffles for supper with imitation ground beef, homemade avocado salsa and lots of lettuce.
So delicious.

I've been wanting some before pictures so I got My Honey to take a couple for me.
He took a front one.

And a side one.

Then I got him to let me take a couple of him too.
He's on this journey with me so I'm sure he'll appreciate having them down the road for comparison sake.

Took a side one too.

After supper, we watched a few episodes of After Life together.
It's a bit dark but funny.
I really enjoy Ricky Gervais' humour.

Ha Ha - Not my kitties though, they love us too much.

It was a nice long weekend even though we pretty much just stayed home but it's back to work for me in the morning (still just from home).

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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