Sunday 10 May 2020

Got to Meet Ozzy Today (May 6, 2020)

My Honey went back to work today so it's back to me and the cats all day.
Mom is here too but she pretty much just stays down in her living room most of the time.

I made myself a breakfast plate - still working on eating left over ham.
It's not like it's a trial - its delicious.
I just have to be careful about my portion size otherwise it would have been gone long ago.

My Honey put some of his t-shirts in this crate that he made and that's where I found Paddington napping today.

My Honey found these awesome beams today.
He's going to go back and get them on his days off.
He's just become a big wood collector lately.
It makes me happy because he can use it for projects but it's also nice that something that would have been destined for the burn pile is being used and not wasted.

I saw these online and thought they were so cute.
I'm really into 'word' signs these days and I really like the font on these ones, like an old type writer.
Might try to make a few.

Racked up almost an hour and forty minutes today on the treadmill.

Go me!

Miss H posted this picture of herself outside enjoying the sun today.
Isn't she a beauty?

When My Honey got home from work, we went for a quick visit to my son's place to meet Ozzy.

He seemed to be pretty chill for a puppy.

Making funny faces.

She even cracks herself up!

She's a pro at drinking out of a big girl glass now!

Even though this one is just about as big as she is.

Proud girl right there.

She found her little cell phone so she and My Honey could chat.

Temporarily distracted by something on tv.

Ok back to playing.

Peek a boo never gets old.

There she is!

My Honey made her play dough jewellery.

When we go home, My Honey made us an omelette and used up the left over ham and taco ground beef.
It was super good.

I've been craving green chile chicken soup and I found this recipe so I'm going to give it a try tomorrow.

It seems fairly easy to make and it's done in the slow cooker so easy peasy.

Not too high in points either which is good.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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