Saturday 9 May 2020

Good-Bye Grey, Hello Light Brown (May 4, 2020)

It's Monday and the awful storm we were expecting didn't happen.
That is cause for celebration if you ask me.
I really am done with snow!

Weigh in day.
I was down 4 lbs, not too shabby.
I know I can't expect to have big losses like this every week but it sure feels good when it happens.

I wanted to take some before shots and the mirror downstairs is the only one that I really have where I can do that.

Not the best, but they'll do for comparison later.
I think I'll get My Honey to just take some better ones for me.

Breakfast platter.
Yum, yum.

It was back to work for me today.

I did go down and hop on the treadmill here and there throughout the day.
Then after work, I just stayed on the treadmill until I reach my 10,000 steps.

I'm really proud of myself for sticking with this goal.

While I was working today, My Honey was too.
He made homemade sausage and then spent the day smoking it.

Doesn't it look fabulous.
It smells great too - oh so smokey!

We had sausage salad for supper - an invention of mine from when My Honey worked out at the golf course.
It sounds weird but is actually quite good.

After supper My Honey called me out into the backyard to see this.

A beautiful rainbow.
Pictures just never do them justice.

It was time to get rid of the grey so My Honey put a dye in my hair for me.

I have a bunch of different dye colors that I've picked up and stashed away but being the wild and crazy kid I am, I chose to go with the light brown.

I washed that grey right out of my hair.

I'm really happy with the color and with the fact that the grey is all gone.
It's such a pick me up - taking care of your outside is good for your inside!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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