Tuesday 28 April 2020

First Weigh In Since Starting WW (Again). (Apr.27, 2020)

Getting back to my Monday weigh ins even though I only really started following Weight Watchers a couple days ago.

I was down 5 lbs so not too shabby.

My Honey boiled up some eggs yesterday so I had a couple of those for breakfast along with turkey pepperoni, cucumber and an orange.
It'a a pretty looking plate and I munched on it while I was working away in my office.

It was a pretty uneventful day at work and home.
I hopped on the treadmill here and there throughout the day then for a time after work because the episode of Parenthood that I was watching was good and I wanted to finish it.

I had leftovers for supper.
Potatoes, brussel sprouts, salsa chicken, bean sprouts....all kinds of good stuff.

I'm still doing really well with my Weight Watchers tracking and My Honey started tracking today too.
He agreed to try the program out with me which is so good of him and I appreciate it so much.
He said that he actually likes tracking his points so far so that's good.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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