Sunday, 26 April 2020

Weigh In Wake Up. (April 23, 2020)

I planned on starting Weight Watchers today so I wanted to weigh in first thing.

I normally weigh in a bit higher on the scale at home than I do on the one at work but it's a starting point.
The highest I've ever seen unfortunately but only one way to go now, down.

I had to drive up to the hospital to pick up a sample bottle for mom.
She has a stubborn UTI that just doesn't seem to want to go away.
I heard a fun old tune on the way there.
Need to download this one!

Our herb garden is well on it's way.
There was one dud but My Honey bought basil seeds and stuck a couple down in the pod so hopefully it will grow.

Chalked up over an hour on the treadmill today.

Woot woot!

I did sign up for Weight Watchers today but I didn't count points.
I kind of already know the plan but it's changed a bit since I last followed.
There are a few different plans to chose from, green, red & blue.
I answered the questions and the plan suggested I follow the green so that is what I'm going to do, starting tomorrow.
I'm excited.
It's worked for me in the past (if I follow the plan) so I know I can work it again.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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