Wednesday 8 April 2020

Bringing a Little Magic Into Our Lives (Apr.3, 2020)

When My Honey is on days off, you never know what he is going to cook up.

Today it was pretzels.

He put salt on one then cinnamon sugar on some (upon my request).

They look pretty darn good and they tasted even better.

I won this herb planter quite some time ago and while I was working today, My Honey got it all set up and going.
Hopefully before long, we'll have some fresh herbs to use.

Miss H shared this cool idea she found on Facebook today.
Made from old doors and some corregated roofing, it is so cute.

The Corona Virus (Covid-19) memes continue.

That's about all today.
I did get on the treadmill but My Honey was working on changing out breakers and plugs today so the power was on and off therefore I didn't get the final total that I'd racked up over the day.
Got to my 10,000 steps though and that's what really counts.

I recently decided to re-read the Harry Potter books and My Honey has never seen the movies so we decided to watch those too.

We thought today was as good as any to get started so we watched Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone tonight.
My Honey enjoyed it.
Only 7 more to go.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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