Saturday, 18 April 2020

All About Paddington (April 14, 2020)

I called to check in with my son this afternoon and he was feeling a bit better.
They were able to have an appointment with the doctor via video chat and then they allowed them to bring the baby up to the hospital to do the Covid-19 testing.

They had to take a swab from her nose and they had to push it in very far which she detested but at least they got it done.
The doctor said it could be a number of things including side effects from her vaccinations which she just got last week.

They've been very good about self isolating so I don't think she would have picked up the Corona virus anywhere but at least now they will know for sure.

I went on the treadmill all throughout the day today then after work, I stayed on long enough to get my 10,000 steps.
I've been watching Parenthood and there are 6 seasons with close to 20 episodes per season so I think I'll be watching it for a long time.
I'm still only in Season 2.

Took me a long time to get those steps in today but I did it.

Paddington was thrilled to see My Honey when he got home from work.

He immediately started grooming him with his scratchy little tongue.

It kind of hurts a bit, not just that scratch tongue but he has the sharpest claws in the whole entire world.

Must groom my human.

I started another puzzle and I don't know what it is about puzzles but Paddington just wants to be right on top of it.

Does he think he's helping?

My Honey was trying to distract him with the phone.
He was interested enough to go over to it and investigate.

His Majesty, Sir Padddington.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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