Friday 24 April 2020

Chalkboard Project (Apr.20, 2020)

I cut up strawberries last night and made a glaze for them so we could have strawberry shortcakes for dessert then I forgot all about it.

So this morning first thing, I made myself one.
It was so good.

The chalkboard looks pretty good.

I just happened to have a package of magnets in the magic toolbox for the kiddos so we tested them out on the magnetic side and it turns out that magnetic paint works pretty good.

I earned the Earth badge today.
7900 miles logged since I started using Fitbit.

Got over an hour in on the treadmill today.

After work, we took the chalkboard over to Baby F.

My Honey showed her how to draw with chalk.

Didn't take her long to figure it out.

I think she liked it.

She even mastered how to clean it.

We may have an artist on our hands.

He showed her how the magnetic side worked.

It took her a few minutes to figure out that only one side was magnetic but she got it!

Just relaxing.

Just being silly now.

Story time.

Reading a book with Grandpa J.

Hugs for her Grandpa.

He was pretending that he didn't know where she was.

She thought that was just hilarious.

We made Newfie poutine for supper for a last hurrah meal and it was worth every calorie.
I ate every last bite.

OMG - this color of pants is a terrible idea.
"186 month old baby" ha ha ha.

A laugh for the day.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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