Monday, 20 April 2020

The Plan (April 17, 2020)

I went down to the office at lunch time today to do a few things.
I figured that would be the best time to avoid everyone who is still working at the office as they would be gone to lunch.
I miss my desk and my keyboard!

I dropped off some work I'd completed, picked more up and printed a few things off.

My Honey baked up these bad boys today.
Yum Yum.
I've been thinking about joining Weight Watchers again and My Honey agreed to do it with me.
So we decided we would start Monday.
That would give us time to have a look at the program and do some meal planning.
It also gives us time to eat up some of the junk in the house and have a few favorite dishes that aren't Weight Watcher friendly.
Biscuits are on that list.

I racked up over an hour and a half on the treadmill over the course of the day today.

I requested nachos for supper and My Honey oblidged.

We watched the second Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets tonight.
I'm still in the midst of reading it and I did see the movie years ago when it first came out so it was almost like watching it for the first time because I didn't remember what happened.
We are quite enjoying our Harry Potter fest.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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