Monday 29 May 2017

Weigh In Day

We have been having a streak of absolutely gorgeous weather and it continued on today.
I took advantage of course and walked to work this morning.  It was so nice that I didn't even need a sweater or anything.  It is just so uplifting for the spirits.

Weighed in first thing this morning.
246.6 lbs.
That is down only .4 from last week so not as great as I was hoping but still a step in the right direction.
My goal this week is to be more diligent in my tracking this week.
My cheeks are still rosy from walking to work this morning and just look at all that sunshine pouring in my office windows.

I had to run some change out to the golf course at lunch - I thought I had some at home but I didn't so I had to stop at the bank and get some.
That ate up most of my lunch hour so I had them make me up a salad when I got there.
They added some chicken strip scraps and I made a quick dressing with vinegar, oil, mustard, honey and salt & pepper.
It was perfect.
I gobbled it up and then headed back to the office.

The afternoon flew by fairly quickly.
There is a Wellness Fair in town tomorrow and a group that I work for is setting up a booth for it.
A guy in the group met me at the office after work to grab some of the stuff we need to set it up tomorrow.
Then I headed home and got right at the golf club books.  I am behind a couple of days and want to get caught up.

My Honey got home a little early and after he mowed the lawn, he got the bbq lit for supper then got to work assembling the swing.

This is what I was trying to push around with one hand at Costco while carrying a screaming child in the other.
Phew, am I ever glad that experience is over.

This is what it will look like when completed.

My Honey noticed that my mom had gone out and straightened up our shed over the past few day.
He actually thought I had done it but we were both completely surprised that my mom had been out there doing it.
Way to go mom!

He ended up getting called back out to work just as he was getting started so he wasn't able to finish.

I put the corn on the bbq about a half hour after he left then when he got home he finished up supper.
It was around 10:30 pm when we finally ate but it was worth the wait.

Corn, pork, baked potato, mushrooms and home made beans.
My Honey is such a great cook - we go crazy for corn every summer.
It was a bit hard to eat with my mouth situation so I had to cut the kernels off.
My mouth isn't really hurting anymore but the packing is still in covering the area where the surgery was done so it feels weird, especially when eating.
It's like I have this thick piece of play dough stuck to the side of my teeth but I can't take it off.

Tomorrow night is Men's night so I will be out at the golf course right after work helping out.
Another busy day, boy I sure went from one extreme to another.
It's all good though - I enjoy the business sometimes.

It's late so I am off to never, never land.

Until next time, be happy!

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