Friday 26 May 2017

Tired Thursday

I woke up several times through the night due to my sore mouth so I was super tired this morning.
I should have walked to work anyway but I didn't.
It was a little chilly out too.
There is always tomorrow.

I just had some yogurt for breakfast and I made a coffee but waited for it to get luke warm before I drank it.
It still tasted good even if it was almost cold.

Lunch was some cottage cheese & yogurt.
I tried a turkey bite also but it was difficult to chew.

I can feel some of the string of the stitches in the back of my mouth and it is a little weird.

A few of us left work a little early to go over and start preparing our company float for the parade here in town on Saturday.

Thought I would take a few before pictures.

We had no fringe so we made out own out of tablecloths.

We had lots of help.
I love it when we get together and do these extracurricular things at work - it allows you to get to know your co-workers in a different light.
I am lucky to work with a great bunch of people.

Last minute discussion before heading home for the night.
We still have balloons to fill with helium but will wait for tomorrow night for that.

I went home and had frozen mango & ultra low fat cool whip for a treat.
Then a former co-worker (he just very recently retired) dropped by to help me out a bit.
I am going to keep track of the books for the golf club venture My Honey is involved in.
My former co-worker also happened to be the Treasurer for the golf club so he just showed me the spreadsheet they used in the past and what exactly it is that I need to report to them.
I love math and making things balance so I am excited to do this.

I cooked up some chicken tonight too - I had put it in Roasted Red Pepper dressing 2 days ago so I figured it was time.
I had a piece for supper - it was a little hard to eat because of my mouth situation but I managed.

I finished up all the golf club book stuff from last week and then I headed to bed.

Friday tomorrow already!

Until next time - be happy!

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