Tuesday 9 May 2017

Saturday in the City

The sun was just a shining today so I wanted to get out there and enjoy it.
We had brought our work out things & bathing suits but skipped out on that and headed out to enjoy the day.

First off - there is a new IHop next to the hotel so we walked over there for breakfast.
They give you funky names when you are waiting, today we were:

I was expecting to wait for a table but we were seated right away.

Don't these look delicious?
I couldn't resist - I had the blackberry cheesecake pancakes but I only ate half of them.
I also made a wise choice with the egg white scramble and turkey bacon.
I only ate a couple bites of the hash - it was really tasty.
My Honey had this delicious looking omelet.
After breakfast we headed to the Farmers Market in Old Strathcona.
Great day to get out and go to a market.
lots of people seemed to agree!

Seeing all this fresh produce is exciting! 

I bought some new baby carrots to munch on and turns out they were wintered, which was disappointing.
They'll be ok for cooking though. 

There were even pussy willows for sale.

Check out this funky mailbox!

And the whole reason I go out of my way to go to this Farmer's Market is for this booth.
I love the work this lady does, it's right up my alley.

It's been sometime since I had an addition to my collection and I went with intentions of buying one today.
It came down to this daisy head girl and..

this little girl with her little chick.
I am happy to announce that this little girl (and her chickie) came home with me today.

Bath bombs seem to be the big thing lately.
My friend recently started making & selling them so I felt guilty almost for stopping here but I did and bought 3 bombs that smell wonderful.
I can't wait to have a bath and try them out.

There always seems to be a group here doing Tai Chi - today they were even all dressed the same.
I would like to give it a try sometime.

This girl was doing an escape act - we didn't stick around for the finish but it was nice to see so many people out enjoying the weather.

Just some cool doors we saw.

And another!
I am so into that weathered look - love it!

These shoes though - aren't they awesome!

They are almost like pieces of art - I loved these blue boots in particular.

I thought the heel on these ones was interesting.

Uh Oh - look what we found.
We had to check it out - so many options.
Luckily I am not crazy for cupcakes but I do like a good chewy cookie

We left with just one Oatmeal Milk Chocolate Toffee Bit cookie

We each had half and it was worth every calorie!

We just drove around and found some new homes being built, this one is like a mansion.
It is huge and beautiful - I couldn't imagine living in it though - we don't even use all the space we have in our current home.
Guess I could invite my whole family to come live with me - that might be fun!

Snack time again.
Because it was so nice out - we went on a hunt for a frozen yogurt place to get a treat and we found one.

We sat out in the sunshine to eat them and it was so nice.
I sure love me some nice weather.

A few of my finds
Thought I would hang this up in my living room.

I needed new sneakers and I finally took the plunge and bought some.
They were a little pricier than what I usually like to spend ($89.99) but my feet are worth it and I am hoping they will help to keep me injury free.

We shopped and hung out all afternoon then found this Thai place for supper.

I'd heard Sherwood Park had a great Thai place, not sure if this is the place but we tried it anyway.

My Honey had the Tom Yum Goong (spicy lemongrass)

I had the Tom Kha Gai (lemongrass & coconut) - my favorite.
I try it at all the Thai places we go to if they have it.
This one was delicious - one of the best I have had.
The broth wasn't thick the way I like it but it tasted so good that it didn't matter.

He liked his soup!

My Honey had the green curry.
It was good, it didn't have that sewery taste that it some times has.

Loving my soup.

I also had the Pad Thai.
I was thinking about trying something different but changed my mind - I know I love this dish so why not stick with it.

They had coconut rice on the menu so I had to order it too and give it a try.
The presentation was very pretty, the food was delicious, the service was great.
We will certainly be back!

After supper we headed to a movie.

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 started yesterday and we wanted to see it.
We went to the theatre in Sherwood Park for the first time.

The movie was good, not as good as the first but good nonetheless.
Baby Groot is so cute and I really love how they work humor into the movie even at more serious parts.
It's worth seeing for sure.

After the movie we made a quick stop at the Casino.
My Honey had $10 he wanted to throw in.
We weren't there very long!
When we went back out to the truck there was a lady there letting her dog out for a bit of a walk.
She drove a big tractor trailer and they'd been driving for some time.
Anyway, she was telling us that the dog was friendly (it was just a little thing) and not to be scared, in fact he would probably try to jump in our vehicle.
Sure enough, My Honey opened the door and this little dog jumped right in.  I opened my door and he was bouncing on my seat and licking my face, just so friendly and excited.
I thought it was a cute little encounter.
I didn't have time to get my camera out and take a picture unfortunately but it was adorable.

We stayed in the city again tonight - same hotel.
Driving home in the dark is exhausting when you spend your whole time on the look out for animals.

It was a great day.
Until next time, be happy!

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