Saturday 20 May 2017

Me Day!

It was a very early morning today.

Good Morning world!

My Honey went off to work first thing and I did too.
I caught up on a bit of work I wanted to complete and I also finished off some paperwork I needed to send in for mom - FINALLY!
After I made copies of it, I got it ready to mail then I headed out to the golf course to switch vehicles with My Honey.
Then it was off to Edmonton for a day trip all by myself!

Just me, myself & I on a road trip (don't worry, I wasn't driving when I posed for this selfie!)

Open road here I come!
It was a beautiful day for a drive.

I stopped at about 4 different places to see if I could get my hair done - couldn't believe how much they wanted to charge.
Not saying it isn't worth it but it just feels like a lot to shell out.
Finally settled on First Choice Hair Cutters - they were the cheapest and could get me in right away.
So I took some before pictures.

The roots that needed work!

This is why I never brush my hair, ha ha, holy hair!
The stylist actually asked me to brush my hair out myself - I thought that was strange - never had that before but whatever. 
Foils are in!
She put in 13 all together which is a lot less than I normally get but I just wanted them around the top and the front.
I look unhappy here but I am not, just stealing a quick selfie while waiting for the color to set.
She was kind of complaining because she wanted to leave early to go camping so I think she was in a hurry but it was the fastest I ever got foils and fully straightened.
Two hours total from start to finish which was awesome! 

All Done!
I like the color and I always get them to straighten it for me - I like it for a change but don't have the patience to do it myself at home.

After my hair was done I went to Opa's for lunch.
I had a greek salad with 1 chicken and 1 lamb skewer.
I didn't really like the lamb skewer but the chicken one was good.
Was checking out Facebook while I was sitting there and saw Mr. D had a practice day at Kindergarten today.
He is looking so grown up.  Boy to I ever miss them!

This memory popped up as well.
One year ago today My Honey & I were in Vancouver walking across the Capialano Bridge.
We spent a couple days in Vancouver & a couple in Seattle, it was a great weekend!

I had to head over to Costco and there were 2 different ways I could go. One was on the Yellowhead or the other was by 149th.
I briefly thought I could avoid any train if I went the Yellowhead route but decided 149th would be easier and besides, what were the chances of running into a train?
Well - turns out the chances were Extremely Good!
It was also one of the longest trains I have ever had to wait for - a good 10 minutes anyway.
I didn't think the train cars were ever going to stop coming.
Eventually they did though and I was on my way.

Stopped at Costco and as always they had lots to sample.
I did try these cranberry orange Morning Rounds and they were so good I bought some.
I alsopicked up some nice lawn chairs for my son for his upcoming birthday.
He has a nice fire pit in his backyard that he & his friends have been using frequently so thought they would come in handy.

Spotted a bunch buggy on the way out - too bad there was nobody with me for me to punch!

After Costco I stopped at the Party Store to pick up decorations for a parade float we are doing at work next week.

Then stopped at Walmart for a few essentials - always have to make a stop at Wally World.
They didn't have one thing I was looking for so had to make another stop on the way home.

Twice today I went to stores where you needed to put in a coin to get a cart and both times I was lucky enough to find a "free" cart that wasn't attached to anything and therefore did not require any coins to use.  And they weren't bum carts either, they worked just fine.
Kind of felt like my lucky day.

Picked up some snacks for the drive home and I was on my way......

With a passenger this time!
Picked up this giant minion balloon for my little balloon-atic.
Mr H turns 2 this week and he likes minions (and loves balloons) so I thought he would get a kick out of this.

Looks like he is trying to get in the front seat with me.

Stopped at the golf course on the way home to see My Honey.
I had picked up some hams for him and needed to drop them off out there.
I had him make me some chicken fingers for supper.
They were delish!
Then I headed home thinking he would be not long behind me.

It had kind of rained on and off a few times today and just as I finished hauling all my purchases into the house I saw this!
Gotta love a rainbow! 

My boy and his honey were off to Jasper for the weekend today and he posted this cute pic.
He looks so happy - makes my heart happy!
Just check out the scenery around them - Jasper is chock full of stunning views - kinda wish I was there too!

My Honey ended up making it home quite late so we chatted a bit then it was off to bed for us both.
It's was a great day - and the weekend is just getting started!

Until next time, be happy!

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