Tuesday 2 May 2017

Tuesday Tales

I often have a lot of trouble falling to sleep and last night I came across this new method for helping out with that.
It seemed pretty easy and I had nothing to lose so I gave it a try and amazingly, I think it worked!
It might have just been coincidence so I am going to try it again tonight - if it does work - Woo Hoo!

It might have just been coincidence so I am going to try it again tonight - if it does work - Woo Hoo!

I made an appointment last week for my mother & I to see the dentist and I had it marked on my calendar that it was today.
I even got a reminder call from them yesterday at the end of the day so I told mom that we would be leaving at 2pm today for the appointment.

Well mom called me this morning at work and although she still can't speak in full sentences, she did manage to get across that the dentist appointment was for tomorrow.
I assured her it wasn't but said I would call just to confirm.

She was right!

They called her with a reminder as well and apparently she actually listened to the message which I failed to do!


She saved us a trip.
Had we gone today, we would have had to turn around and drive back tomorrow and it is an hour away!

When I came home from work, somebody was sitting in my spot.
I feel like Sheldon about my spot on the couch, I don't like giving it up but he looked so comfy that I let him stay there and made some supper instead.

I walked around the store after work aimlessly and finally grabbed a cabbage & some ground pork.
I cooked up this concoction which is quite similar to the crack slaw I've made in the past but I skipped the oil and used low sodium beef broth to cook the cabbage & pork in.
I added mushrooms, onions, garlic and ginger and it was very tasty.

Mom was off to knitting club for the first time tonight so I headed down for my 20 minute walk on the treadmill.
We moved all of mom's stuff over to our place and set up a nice room for her in the basement.
This was where my workout equipment used to be.
I had to move them to the other side of the basement and had to sell a couple pieces of equipment so it would all fit but I think it looks great.

My own personal little gym.
(Life size Marilyn came with My Honey - they were a package deal, hee hee!)
I like her though so I don't mind!

Ready to go.

I walked a little longer this time.
I was feeling twinges in both my ankles but mainly the left one.
I don't know if it's just because I am heavier or if something is wrong but I am so worried that I am going to make it worse.
It's feeling ok right now though so I think slow & steady is working for me right now.

Still had to put my hair up though, started to get sweaty.
Walk is done for today.

As soon as I sit at the computer, the Professor shows up.
He usually sits right on the keyboard too.
I give him a little love but then I move him out of the way so I can get to work.
He comes back a few times but eventually gives up and allows me to get some work done.

The sun is shining right now and the snow is steadily melting away.
Here's hoping its gone by the weekend!

That's it for today.
Until next time, be happy!

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