Tuesday 9 May 2017

Weigh In Day

Back to the grind again.
Even though I am not a super big fan of getting up early, I am thankful that I have a job to go to, I know there are a lot of people in Alberta right now who aren't as fortunate.

First thing on the agenda, weigh in.
I tried to be somewhat careful over the weekend but I didn't track points so it's hard to know what I actually consumed.
So I wasn't sure what to expect - was hoping for a loss, but wouldn't have bet my life on it.
That's down .4 and I'll take it.
Just goes to show how diligent I need to be - I was so careful all week and then just 2 days of no tracking and it has an impact.

On the positive side though, I'm still going in the proper direction.

It was a busy day at work followed by a busy evening trying to get caught up in blogging.

My Honey was busy today too!
He made fresh bread, buns and biscuits.
He made me a hamburger for supper from scratch too - it was delicious!

I also decided to try a new work out plan today.
It's a Beginner to Half Marathon plan and it takes 6 months.
I saw it on a blog that I like to read and if you'd like to check it out, you can find it here:


I've been following the blog for over a year now although she has been writing much longer than that and I sure hope she doesn't mind me mentioning that here.
The plan was posted on April 27, 2017 in case you are having trouble finding it.

So the first workout was mainly walking with 30 seconds of running which worked out great for me.
I could probably start a little further along in the plan but for now I am going to play it by ear.

So I got my 30 minute workout in and tomorrow will be a rest day.
I watched another episode of This Is Us while working out - it's really good!

I ended up staying up later than I wanted because My Honey was watching a program I couldn't resist.
It was Dateline and it was a special about Princess Diana.
My infatuation with her began when I was around 8 years old.
My family was posted in Lahr, Germany (military brat) and the newspapers were just filled with articles about the upcoming nuptials between Di & Charles.
I was completely enthralled.
I remember watching the wedding and just falling in love with her.

Like everyone else, I remember where I was when the shocking news of her passing was released.
I was at a bar with friends - I was the designated driver that evening - and I kept seeing pictures of her on the tv screens around the bar but it was a dance club and a band was playing, the music was blaring so I couldn't hear what was being said on the television.

The lead singer of the band announced that Lady Di had passed away and I remember thinking what a horrible joke.

Then I actually started watching the news coverage and these words came across the bottom of the screen
"Princess Diana has died.  Buckingham Palace confirms"
I was devastated.
I told my friends the news and said I had to leave straight away.
I went home and was glued to the news for the rest of the evening.
I sobbed & I wanted to get over to London.
I don't think I have ever felt that much emotion at losing a person that I didn't even personally know.
I was mom to a young son at the time and I just felt that it was the saddest thing ever for those boys to lose their mom at such a young age.

I am still fascinated by her to this day and that fascination has grown to include the William, Kate, their children and Harry.

Anyway that's my "where were you at when" story.

I finally made it to bed around 11pm knowing full well that I would be tired in the morning but sometimes you just have to suck it up.

That's it for today, until next time, be happy!

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