Thursday 25 May 2017

Dental Surgery Today

It did rain last night as predicted, we actually saw a bit of a lightning show last night before we headed to bed.
We had a perfect view out of our front window.
I would have stayed up later to watch it but I was quite tired.

We always sleep with the window open (I love the fresh air) but the floor and the curtains were soaked when I woke up this morning.
You can see that the curtains are drenched almost to the top.

It was still raining quite hard when I left for work so no walking this morning.
The grass is looking nice and green though so it's worth it!

Mid morning snack - radishes, apple, carrots & sweet peppers.

My hair is back to curly today - I am pleased with the way the streaks turned out.

Then it was off to the dentist.
They are doing a surgery to remove some of my gum & expose more of the bone so the crown will fit better.
I was feeling not too bad about the whole thing until I heard the dentist ask his assistant for the scalpel.  That had me a little tensed up but they froze my mouth really good and I didn't feel a thing.

I went to Walmart afterwards to get a few things I needed but couldn't remember exactly what those things were once I got there.
I dropped off my prescription and ended up just getting a few soft food items while I waited for the pharmacy then I headed home.

Hard to tell but my mouth is still totally frozen here.
I didn't eat before I went and I should have because I am restricted to soft foods only for the next couple of days.
I look like I kind went through the ringer here - I was feeling a little disoriented afterwards for some reason but made it home ok.

I keep seeing this beaver dam every time I go out of town and I think it looks so cool so I finally stopped and took a picture of it today.

I love it when you can see that it is raining off in the distance.
It looks like the clouds are dripping to the ground.
I had to stop and take a picture of this too.
I ended up driving right through it not too much longer after I took this picture.

Bought myself all kinds of goodies for the next couple days.

and an "ice pack" to avoid swelling.

I made some chicken corn chowder for supper - it was just from a can but it tasted pretty good.
When My Honey got home from work he made me a mango smoothie too.

My mouth was starting to hurt a little so I got some more meds into me and headed to bed nice and early.

That's all for today - until next time - be happy!

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