Wednesday 10 May 2017

How is it Wednesday Already?

Rainy, windy & cold out this morning so no walk to work.
I got to work a little earlier than usual this morning and was gung-ho to get some work done then suddenly right around 7:30 the power went out.

It flickered a couple times but never came back on so this is how things looked for a few hours.
It is amazing how much we rely on electricity and computers to do our work.
We used to have things to file at least but everything is filed electronically so we couldn't even do that.
It was nice to catch up at least!

The power was out all over town and out in the field where My Honey was working as well.
He was equally busy (sarcasm) and made the best use of his time by coming up with innovative ideas, like cats singing and playing piano.
I told him it belonged in the Guggenheim, he thinks the Museum of Modern Art.
Either way - it's a real work of Art and he is a keeper!

The power finally came back on at 10am so it was back to our offices and back to work.
Pretty uneventful for the rest of the day compared to the excitement of the power outage!

I did have a sweet, delicious mango for a snack in the afternoon.

As I was getting home from work, I saw my mom leaving to take the dog for a walk. 
She was gone for about 40 minutes.
She did a loop and she was exhausted when she got back but I was so proud of her.
Way to go Mom!

I watched a bit of Being Amish (my guilty pleasure) then I went down to get my work out completed.

On the schedule for today was 5 min walk, 45 sec run, 24 min 15 sec walk.
I didn't feel any twinges in my ankle at all today.

The doorbell rang just as I was getting off of the treadmill.
I ran up and guess who it was.....Girl Guides!

I always try to buy from kids that come to the door doing fundraisers so even though I didn't necessarily want them, I bought a pack.
We already bought about 5 boxes this year but they were the chocolate/vanilla king which I don't care for so I figured no biggie.
But tonight she gave me a choice between them and the chocolate mint (which I can't resist).
I got mom to take them downstairs with her so I wouldn't be tempted by them.

I cooked up some supper for us.
Turkey Burgers, green beans with onions and the carrots I bought at the farmers market with garlic and parmesan cheese.
Pretty good if I do say so myself.

I felt good that I had some supper ready for My Honey when he got home - he had to work late - but he wasn't hungry because they bought them pizza at work today.

Oh well - leftovers for lunch tomorrow works too!

My Honey had taken another bag of raspberries out of the freezer yesterday so I had a nice big bowl with some low fat cool whip.
They were YUMMY!

I wanted to have a bath tonight and try out one of my new bath bombs but it seems like the evenings just fly by.
Maybe tomorrow evening.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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