Friday 26 May 2017

Float Friday

I woke up to another gorgeous morning so I decided right away that I wanted to walk to work.
I didn't walk home for lunch because I had a lot of work to do and I knew we were leaving a little early to go and finish up the float.
I got a ride home with Ms. B to pick up my truck, made myself a quick chicken/spinach sandwich then headed back to work.

It's coming along.
We didn't have as much help today as a lot of folks headed out of town for the weekend but us girls got things finished up.

This is our "foreman" hard at work.

Got these letters from the Party Store - they are the perfect color and they look great on the float.
We were having trouble with the "R" losing helium for some reason.
Hopefully it will still have some left in it tomorrow for the parade.

Just rockin' those coveralls!

Doing a great job blowing up the balloons.
This one is full of helium - if she had two of them it might lift her up and take her away!

My balloon arch creation.

Job well done!

After we finished up with the float I went and picked up a rug hooking kit I bought off a town buy & cell website.
I thought it might be a good project for mom.

Then I headed out to the golf course - I've been meaning to get out there all week and re-write the menu on the menu board.

They looked good - they included all My Honey's clever descriptions which I got a kick out of and so did a few other people too.
But it just looked to crowded and it was hard to read so I took out the descriptions.
We will print out menus for the tables that include them.

The final menu board.
I think it turned out good.
I taped it off with painting tape so everything came out nice and straight.
I did notice that I put "Swine Burger" instead of "Swine Hills Burger" so I will have to fix that tomorrow.

I ordered a couple of taco salads to go for mom & I and headed home around 7pm.

Mom's friend Ms.DM came over to visit tonight and she stayed until after 10pm.

I wanted to work on the golf club books tonight and do some reorganizing on the spreadsheet but I just didn't have the chance.

It is the town's 50th birthday so there is lots going on this weekend in celebration of it.
Tomorrow is going to be a very full day and then mom told me tonight that they are having my nephews birthday party tomorrow so it's going to be even busier than I thought!

That's ok - busy days are good every now & then!

I better go get some shut eye and I'm starting to feel a little something, something at the surgery site in my mouth so I should go get some more meds in to me first.
Want to make sure I sleep well tonight!

That's all for today folks - until next time, be happy!

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