Monday 22 May 2017

May Long Road Trip #2

Woke up to another beautiful, sun shiny day.

I think the Professor was eager to go out there and enjoy it himself.
He sits and stares longingly out the window for hours - I feel a little bad about it but there are too many predators around here so we don't let him out.

My Honey had to take a trip to the city to pick up supplies for the golf course so I decided to go with him.
I had also offered to babysit the kiddos again so we picked them up and took them with us.

He kicked off his shoes first thing.

Ready for an adventure.

We shopped all day for groceries & supplies and they stayed awake all day.
Then as soon as we decided to go get some supper he falls asleep.
We went to a little place in St.Albert - Socrates.
We have eaten there in the past and we normally enjoy our meal.

I ordered a greek salad.
It had WAY too much dressing on it but other than that, it was good.
I skipped the garlic bread.

They gave us a huge corner booth which was great because Mr. H had lots of energy when he woke up and he was able to run back and forth in the booth and work some of it off.

We stopped for ice creams at Mickey Ds on the way home.

I had an M&M McFlurry - I shared with Mr.H and My Honey.

Everybody loves ice cream.

He skipped the spoon and just used his hands to scoop out the ice cream - he was digging for the M&M's really.

My handsome honey.

Pretty proud of her ice cream "moustache"

Someone is so going to need a bath when they get home!

We saw lots of deer on the way home.

They made a "tent" to play in.

They were so well behaved today.
All the shopping we did today I know must have been so boring for them but they were little troopers.
We stopped quickly at Wally World (WalMart) on the way home and I got them each a pair of sandals and a treat because they were so good and didn't complain at all today.

We got home just after 8 pm - dropped of the little ones then headed out to the golf course to unload.
It was after 9 when we got home.

I checked out Facebook for a little and more Facebook memories popped up today - this time from our 2015 May long weekend trip to San Francisco.

On the boat heading to Alcatraz Island.

If I had a selfie stick we could have been in this photo together.

Pretty cool to actually be here.

Does he look like a hardened criminal that belongs behind bars?
I don't think so - he looks more like a big loveable goofball if you ask me.

We walked across the Golden Gate Bridge.

Again - if we had that selfie stick......
It was foggy out but it was still warm.

We checked out China town and made some new friends.
Mine were the monkeys.

His were the musical frogs.

Then I watched another couple episodes of 13 Reasons Why before bed again.
I only have 2 episodes left to watch so will likely finish those off in the morning.

Another great day - this weekend is just flying by!

Until next time, be happy!

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