Wednesday 3 May 2017

Another Hump Day Done

So I think the new sleep method is helping me to fall asleep quicker but I still didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night.

My Honey was late getting home from work last night and then just as we were heading to bed, he got called back out.

It was after midnight when he got home and then he was up again at 5am to head to the city for a two food handling course that he has to take.  Poor fellow - I know he must be tired today, I sure was.

Our front yard has only one little patch of snow left on it.
I am not one little teeny tiny bit sorry to see it gone!

Snacked on these all day long.

I saw this on Facebook today and it made me giggle.
I figure this is how things would have turned out for me if I hadn't met My Honey!

I worked through lunch as I had to leave early for dental appointments.
Turns out mom needs a filling replaced and my two crowns that I just got in the fall aren't right.
They aren't bothering me at all but apparently the dentist noticed in my x-rays last week that there was an issue.
So now I have to go have them removed, they need to do a surgery, then they need to put the crowns back on.
Lucky thing I don't mind going to the dentist - just kind of a pain that it is an hour away and I usually have to miss some work to go.
Oh well - gots to keep these teeth in ma mouth!

Mom & I went to Walmart afterwards to get a few essentials,
like TP (toilet paper) and turkey bites.
You know, the essentials!
I love these, they are only 1 point each and a perfect snack when I get home from work and I'm really hungry but supper isn't ready yet.
I snack on one and it tides me over, helps me to slow down and make a healthier option for supper.

I had made mom an appointment to get a manicure & a pedicure so I dropped her off there.
I was planning on going shopping while she was there but since we already did that I did something I was very proud of.

There is a very nice park there so instead of sitting in the truck, playing on my iPad, I went to the park and went for a walk.
Proud of me!

It's really a lovely little park and the weather was perfect for walking.

You can see just in the background there that there is a mill right next to the park so it smells like freshly cut wood all the time, soo good!

I think these must be cattails from last year, they are looking all fuzzy & furry.

Love it when the sun sparkles on the water.

I like it when everything is reflected in the water, so pretty.

Just a really lovely park - wish it was closer so I could use it more often.

Two very astonishing things to note about this picture:
1 - the grass is green (kind of)
2 - I am wearing flip flops (outdoors)

I picked mom up & we went to the casino for supper.
They make a salad there that I really like and mom has developed a thing for salads lately so it was a perfect choice.
Mom had the Southwest Salad

and I had the Greek. 
The greens were a bit soggy but other than that it was delicious.
I cleaned my plate!

We saw a few deer on the way home, they are very difficult to spot as their coats blend right in with all the brown grass and shrubs along the side of the road.

Thankfully it stays light out quite late so we weren't driving home in the dark.

While we were gone, my friend dropped by, picked up Max, took him and gave him a haircut and brought him back to mom.
What a doll she is.
She was starting a dog grooming business so she likes to do it for practice & she does it for mom too.
She does a fantastic job too - he looks like a new dog.
Couldn't get his picture though - he is gone to be with mom for the night.

I was kind of deciding on the way home that my 20 minute walk at the park would count for my walk today, but when I got home I Wo-manned up and got on that treadmill.

I watched another episode of This Is Us.
Neither of my ankles bothered me at all, no twinges, no tingling, nothing.
It's a great sign!

It's off to bed for this chickie now.
I dislike it when My Honey is away for the night but at least it's only one night, I can handle that.

Until next time, be happy!

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