Tuesday 23 May 2017

Weigh In Day

I thought the weather was supposed to take a turn for the worse today but I woke up to an absolutely gorgeous day!

So of course I walked to work

The leaves are all starting to come out - it looks so pretty this time of year.

I went by the highway and the trail is almost all dried up.
It was warm and sunny - what a nice way to start the day!

Weigh In - I was 247 lbs even which is down 1.6 lbs from last week.
I think that is pretty darn good!

My mid morning snack - actually, I munch on these all day if I have them at work.

I walked home at lunch and made myself a yummy sandwich with left over trout.
I added raw onion & spinach and it hit the spot!

After work, I picked up mom, my son & my brother and we went to the hotel where mom used to work and picked up the rest of her stuff.
She had some stuff stored in an outdoor shed and we needed to wait until the snow melted to get at it.

While we were unloading, my other brother saw us and invited us over for some cake as today little Mr. H turns the big 2! (My brothers live across the street from each other).

Mr H was busy playing with his minion balloon, he loves that thing.

He got a little rough with it though and torn the head of the minion - this is his "what just happened" face.
He was really good about it though, no melt down or anything.
I might have to get him another one, I mean isn't that my job as a great Auntie?

He quickly moved on to playing with other things and people like his cousin K.
Can't get him down boy, he is just go, go, go.

Time for cake.  My boy was trying to get Mr. H to look at the camera for a picture but he was more interested in his cake.

The cute couple enjoying a slice of cake.

Mom & my brother, Mr. R enjoying a slice as well.

Miss A looks like she is guilty of something (she wasn't)!

Selfie with my little bro, Mr.A.
I skipped the cake tonight, I had a massage scheduled and was already running a little late.
Plus I just had a treat yesterday so didn't think it would be prudent to have another today.

I feel like I am really in the weight watching zone lately, making wise choices and I want to stay there.

One more try for a picture of the birthday boy - still couldn't get him to look at the camera - silly little goose that he is!

She did some cupping on my back tonight.
I asked her to take a picture so I could see what it looked like.
It feels kind of pinchy when she first puts the cups on but that kind of numbs and then I can feel like pulling and pressure but it feels good.
I end up with circles on my back and some of them are really dark but nobody ever sees my bare back like this so no big deal.

It was a nice long massage and then I was off to the golf course to see My Honey.

They had their first special tonight - Ham, Scalloped Potatoes, Carrots, Home-made Buns and Deep Fried Oreo Cookies with Chocolate Sauce for dessert.
I think it was a hit!

I forgot how much I enjoy being out there and kind of chatting with everyone - I used to work out there for a few years when another friend of mine used to run it.

My Honey made me a gigantic salad with a chicken breast and his home-made dressing again for supper.
He had also made pizza today so I had a small sliver of that to test it out.

I am going to help them out by doing their books (I am a math nerd so that really excites me) and I am also going to go out and help on Men's Nights. 
I am looking forward to it.

I headed home around 9pm.

They are calling for high winds and rain tomorrow (and lots of it) but I hope they are wrong and I am able to walk to work in the morning.
(Thunder & Lightning just started - sounds like it's going to be a doozy)

I didn't have a chance to work out today but getting the walks to and from work in the morning makes me feel better about that.

That being said though - I still want to achieve my goal of 50 runs by the time I turn 50 and time is ticking away.

I really need to get at that - start running again and then find some races to do.

That's it for today folks - Until next time, be happy!

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