Thursday 18 May 2017

Off to See the Dentist

It was nice out this morning so I took advantage and walked to work.
I walked by the highway and it took exactly 20 minutes.

I knew I wouldn't be able to walk home as I was planning on working through lunch because I had to leave early today.
Mid morning snack - I always forget how much I love radishes then I binge on them for awhile.
I am in the midst of a binge right now.

In light of yesterdays musings and decisions, I made myself a bit of a reminder note.
It is right in front of me at my desk so I can always see it.
I had the opportunity today to practice the art of being positive and I succeeded.
I just have to be sure to make a conscientious effort to be kind and positive.
Everyone could use a little uplifting now & then and if I can do that for someone then that makes me happy!

It's that time again - gonna have to wash that grey right out of my hair.
I tried to make an appointment locally but they can't get me in until the end of the month.
I want to get some blond highlights in this time which is something I won't do at home so I decided to take a trip in to Edmonton tomorrow to get my hair did!

I wore my new fabulous necklace today - I just love it.

One of the ladies at the office gave me a lift to my car (I just didn't have time to walk) and I stopped at the town office to get a couple of photo copies notarized.
Filling out government applications is so complicated.
I finally finished getting a bunch of paper work filled out for mom and the photocopies were the last thing I needed so I can get them sent out tomorrow.

Mom & I left at 2pm to make it for our 3pm dentist appointments.
Mom was getting a filling that could possibly turn into an extraction if it was unfixable (it did).
I was getting two crowns removed and temporary ones put in place until next week when I have to go back for a dental surgery.
It took no time at all - they didn't even freeze my mouth.

They just renovated at the dentists office and they have some pretty cool art work there.
I think this tooth display is my favorite.

These teeth are pretty cool too.

I like these too!

Mom's mouth was frozen so she didn't want to stop for anything to eat.
I was hungry and wanted a snack for the way home so I picked up a bag of almonds.
Good thing I hadn't eaten much today because these were 9 WW points when I tracked them later.

My Honey was hard at work at the golf course so we stopped in on the way home to say Hi to him.
Will probably be doing that lots this summer if I want to see him!
It's only one summer and it's doing something that he really enjoys so although it puts a damper on plans for the summer, I support him fully and I think it is going to be a very successful venture.

Was all out of spaghetti squash so just heated up some of the sauce I had made and had that for supper.

I tried to get in an episode of Hockey Wives before My Honey got home as I know he doesn't really enjoy it.
I like that most of the wives are Canadian and a lot of it is filmed here in Canada.
I don't know why they got rid of all the other wives though, its not that I don't like these new wives, I just miss the old ones.
Seems you just get used to them and get interested in projects they are working on or babies that are on the way - just their lives in general and then next thing you know - poof- they are just off that show and that's it.
I found the change to be a bit of a bummer but at least MP is still there - I really get a kick out of her and I just love those French accents - wish I had one!

Had one of these for dessert but it probably won't happen that often as I calculated the WW points and it came to a whopping 8 WW points.
Holy cow, that is a lot!

It worked for today though - in fact - I am off to bed here shortly and I still have 4 daily points left.
My long weekend has officially begun.
I am going to get up early and head over to the office to make copies of all of moms paperwork before I send it off.
Once I have it in the mail I am going to head to the city to get my hair colored.
I also have to pick up some decorations for a parade float for next week.

Hoping for nice weather!

Today was a rest day so no official work out.
Back to that tomorrow.

That's all for today folks.

Until next time, be happy!

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