Sunday 14 May 2017

Happy Mother's Day!

I was up with the birds this morning, bright and early.
I made myself a coffee, watched the Grey's Anatomy episode from Thursday on PVR then got started on cleaning.

Everyone came over at 11am.
I made bacon, pancakes, scrambled eggs and fried hot dogs cut up for the kids.
I also had mini cupcakes and bagels and cream cheese.

Not very great pictures but they were the only ones I took.
Seems we are too busy socializing for me to remember to take pictures.

Mr H was enjoying his chocolate chip pancakes.

Miss A and her mama.

He was loving the M&M YoCrunch I picked up for them.

Not sure if more ended up in his belly or on his person!
My Honey was working today but he was able to make it home for about a half hour to have some brunch with us before he had to head back.

I got cards from my mom & my son and my Brother R gave me some scratch cards.
It was nice to have everyone over for a visit.

After they left, I cleaned up and did the dishes and then I did something I've been wanting to for awhile now.

Here are the clues...
That's right - I had a nice long bath.
I used one of my new bath bombs and started a new book.
The book is good so far, I read up to chapter 6 then had to add some hot water because the water had turned cold.
The bath bomb smelled fantastic and it turned the water pink but I missed my usual bubbles.

I did some laundry and watched the final episode of the new Gilmore Girls that was just recently released.
I was surprised to see Sooki in it, I thought they hadn't invited Melissa McCarthy back but I guess that just proves that you can't believe everything you read on the internet!

And that ending, What the #%&@!
I DID NOT see that coming AT ALL.
Does that mean we can look forward to more episodes?

Around supper mom & I watched a movie.

I read the book a few years ago and really enjoyed it.
When I saw the movie was released in Netflix I added it to My List and saw it there today when we were looking for something to watch.
It was a bit slow moving but still very very good.
Luckily my memory isn't what it used to be so I couldn't really remember how it ended.
I liked the way it end, it had me choked up.

My Honey came home just as it was ending and when I went into my office/craft room to get something I saw this.

Ha Ha

What an artist, no?
Now this took some time and effort and I appreciate it so much.

That Professor Snuggles sure is thoughtful.

This is one of the reason's I love My Honey so much, he always makes me laugh.
I sure am blessed and that's no joke!

Saw on Facebook that a dear old friend of ours who I think very highly of welcomed their baby girl into the world today.
Welcome baby Olivia and Congratulations Patrick & Caity!
We are just so thrilled for you both.

I also saw that Zach & Tori of Little People, Big World had their baby Jackson too!
Yay, that is so exciting.
I just love Zach and he and Tori are so sweet together.
I can't wait to start seeing Jackson on the show.

It was another great day in the life of April!

Back to work in the am but it's a short week and I have an extra long weekend to look forward to next weekend so I am stoked!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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