Monday 8 May 2017

TGIF - My Favorite Day of the Week

Woke up to a beautiful day with a whole weekend of adventure to look forward to.

A couple of pictures popped up on my Facebook memories this morning

This was May 5, 2015 - we were driving to our Red Earth Office to pick up some trucks.
When we left it was a beautiful sunny day and 2 hours later it turned into this!

And this was our office girls when we went to the dinner theatre last year - think we saw Pretty Woman.
I am fortunate to work with such a great group of gals.

Thought it was neat as we are going again tonight.

Picked up a 1/4 of watermelon last night and I cut it up and ate the whole entire thing at work today.
It was absolutely delicious too!

Grapefruit Oikos - for a limited time.
Too bad because I really like it plus it is only 3 pts - most of the other flavors I like are 4pts.

Can you believe the temperature?
This was on our way into the city.
We went from winter directly to summer - skipped over spring which is hunky dory with me!

My Son & his girl were sure enjoying the nice weather today too!

Selfies on the way.

Proof that it's all about perspective!

Camera aimed up at my face, ha ha, this picture makes me laugh!

Camera aimed down at my face - what a difference huh?

Our home away from home this weekend.
We stayed at Staybridge Suites - the rooms are nice and the bed, pillows and bedding are heavenly!

They really are nice rooms and the staff here are so friendly.
We give it a 10/10!

They were giving out free popcorn in the lobby when we checked in and I could not resist.

After we checked in we headed over to West Edmonton Mall.
I had a few items to return to Old Navy and we were meeting our friends at Jubilations Dinner Theatre at 6:30pm
This is My Honey's version of parking "close" to the entrance.
You can't even see the door off in the distance!
Ha ha, I always bug him about it but really I don't mind walking a little extra - it's good for me in fact!

The show saw tonight was Flashdance.
I love the 80's - lots of fun memories so I knew I was going to enjoy it.
My phone died though so had to use My Honey's camera to take a few pictures.
The lead in this one was a very talented dancer.
I thought the supporting cast had really great voices as well.

My Honey & I
Sometimes you just have these days where you feel good in your skin and today was one of those days.

S & B

J & B

I have 3 drinks on the go - and I drank all of them.
Our waiter was from Slovakia.  He has lived in Canada for 10 years or so now.
Said he is heading back next week to visit his children in family.
He did a great job.

The food at the dinner theatre isn't usually the greatest, it's ok but nothing extraordinary.
This was the dessert I chose - a vanilla raspberry cake.
The presentation was nice.

My Honey opted for the chocolate.

I was very careful not to consume a bunch of calories so I only had a bite of each.

The cast.

Saw these two necklaces in a store window on the way out and loved them.
This one was my favorite.

After the show - we met at a pub near the hotel to hang out some more as it was still early.
The Edmonton Oilers have made it to Round Two of the finals so Edmonton is in Play Off Fever.
When we got to the pub - it was in the 3rd period and Edmonton was up 3-0 against Anaheim.
I figured they had it in the bag then lo and behold, Anaheim tied it up.
I don't even watch hockey and I was soooo stressed out!

The game went into overtime and we stayed to the end to see who won - ended up Anaheim did.
It was disappointing.  They are still in it though - that was only game 5.
Winning a Stanley Cup would sure be a nice boost for Edmonton so I am rooting for them.

Thought this little display in the corner of the pub was cool.

It was a great day - we headed back to the hotel for some shut eye.

That's all for today - until next time - be happy!

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