Wednesday 17 May 2017

Staying Positive

It wasn't raining this morning so I walked to work.  I think that will be my plan, as long as it isn't raining, I am going to walk to work.
It's still looking kind of gloomy around here, no buds on the trees yet, but the grass is starting to turn green in some spots so that's something.

Had lots of yummy veggies to snack on at work this morning.
I kind of didn't feel like walking home at lunch time but made myself do it anyway.
I came by the highway which is definitely faster.
Only took me 20 min to walk home.

I had leftover spaghetti squash and sauce for lunch, ended up having it for supper too.
I don't mind eating the same thing a few times in a row if it is ready to go!

I found myself feeling out of sorts today.
I've been noticing lately that I've been doing little things that I feel bad about afterwards and I want to make a conscious effort to stop doing it.

Little things disagreeing with someone about something just because, not because I feel strongly about whatever it is I am disagreeing about but just because I want to be ornery.
Then right after I feel terrible.
Or saying something negative about someone or passing on a piece of gossip that I may have heard.
I almost always regret it instantly.

If I am being honest - I think that sometimes I feel like another person may be better than me in some way and so disagreeing is like knocking them down a peg or something.
Isn't that crazy?
And the kicker is that I normally like the person.
It isn't just one person in particular either and I think that is because in reality, it isn't about another person, it's about me and my self esteem.

Anyway - I think this behaviour has been weighing on me and has me feeling out of sorts so I really want to work on it.

Workout tonight was 5 min walk, 2 min 30 sec run then 22 min 30 sec walk.
I watched some more This is Us while I walked.

A little sweaty - just from mainly walking.
Glad to get the work out done though!

I was looking for something new to watch and finally settled on this.
I wasn't sure if I was in the mood for something depressing but couldn't find anything else that interested me so I dove in.
I liked it - may end up binge watching it on the weekend.
For now I only watched episode 1.

My Honey was working late getting things ready out at the golf course as they are going to open soon.
I was missing him.
I had a bath to pass some time until he got home - plus I just love having baths.
Read some more of my book - it's ok, not a page turner but not horrible either.

Tomorrow is my last day of work before the long weekend and I have to leave early to take mom & myself to dentist appointments.

Looking forward to a nice long weekend after that.
My goal if the weather is nice, is to get out for a bike ride or two.

Until next time, be happy!

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