Thursday 11 May 2017

Morning Walks Begin Again

It was a beautiful morning so I took advantage and walked to work this morning.
We only have nice weather for a couple months so I want to enjoy it while I can.

It just rained recently so I knew the trail I walk to work would probably be wet & muddy.
There are a few spots along the way that take forever to dry up.

So I got my good ole bogs on and headed out.
They were looking nice & clean at the beginning of the journey.

7am and the sun is just a shining - isn't it lovely?

I knew I was going to run into something like this somewhere along the way.
Couldn't go around it so just went straight through it.

My boots didn't end up getting as muddy as I was expecting.
I timed my walk and it took me exactly 19 minutes - not bad for my first walk of the season!

Some sweet yellow deliciousness for a snack this morning.
Mango - I love you!

I walked back home at lunch.
The walk home from work is far more difficult as it is all uphill.
I was so out of breath when I finally made it home.
It felt like it took me forever but it was actually only 20 minutes (I timed it).

Made me a scrumptious sandwich for lunch, smoked turkey and radish sprouts.
I love sprouts but they go bad quickly so I am trying to eat them all up before that happens.

I saw this on Weight Watchers Connect today and it made me giggle.
I printed it off and hung it on my bulletin board at work.

My Honey sent me this picture from yesterday, his little owl friend "Owly McOwl" is back in town.
He poses so nicely for pictures.
He gagged up some mouse parts from his last dinner which My Honey also sent me a picture of.
Lucky me huh?
I thought that photo my be best kept in a safe spot - that is, I deleted it!

Leftovers for supper with the addition of beets.
Huge beet fan over here!

My Honey brought home a nice arrangement with some pussy willows and other assorted budding things.
It smells very good surprisingly and Professor Snuggles was very interested.
My Honey had the arrangement in his hand and was walking all over the house looking for something to put it in and The Professor was following him all around.
As soon as he set them down - PS was right over there checking things out.

I saw this on Facebook today- Darth Kitty - ha ha ha!

I watched the Summer episode of Gilmore Girls tonight.
I'm kind of lost now that I've finished up with Heartland, need to find another series to watch.
I did find a Norm MacDonald stand up show that is new on Netflix.
Started to watch it - normally he cracks me up, I think he is really clever and I totally enjoy his humor but I just wasn't feeling it tonight.
Not sure why?

I was thinking of going for a bike ride tonight but it was a little rainy and the tires were flat.
Think I will get it out though and start going for little rides again.

My workout schedule called for a rest day today so no official workout for today.

Tomorrow is Friday already - my favorite day of the week!

Until next time, be happy!

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