Monday 22 May 2017

Sunny Saturday

Woke up to a beautiful day today.  Usually May long weekend the weather is awful but looks like this weekend is heading in the wonderful weather direction.

My Honey was off to work at the golf course early so I got up, had a coffee and watched a couple more episodes of 13 Reasons Why.

Had to hide this big fellow in the craft room so Professor Snuggles wouldn't get after him.

My brother called to see if I would watch the kiddos for awhile and I was like "heck yeah!"

I took them out to the golf club for lunch and to get a visit in with My Honey.

Coloring kept them occupied for about 3 minutes.

My Honey made Mr.H a pogo stick from scratch.
It turned out pretty good.

Mr. H took one piece of it, dipped it in ketchup and then licked all the ketchup off .
Next he took his cheesies and started dipping them in the ketchup and licking it off.
Finally he just resorted to just his fingers, dipping them in the ketchup and licking it off.

Funny how kids have such a thing for ketchup too.
I remember I did as a child, had it on everything, now I rarely have it at all.

He loves doing these silly poses for me when I want to take his picture.

It quieted down in the kitchen so we went outdoors for a bit and enjoyed the lovely weather.
After that we dropped the kids off to their mama.

Mom & I went and hung in the backyard for a bit.

She cleaned up the doggy bombs and I cleaned up and swept and brought out some of the lawn furniture.

It looks good - we sat out and enjoyed the nice weather for a while.
Mom said she wants a swing for the backyard so I will have a look for one for her.

Later in the day, I showed Mr. H his giant minion balloon.

This is him first seeing it.....

I think he liked it.

He was giving it hugs.

After the kiddos went home, I went back to the golf course to hang with My Honey some more.

I took a piece of trout out and he cooked it up for us for supper.
He also made me a delicious salad for supper.
He makes the dressing from scratch, just oil, vinegar & lemon juice and I just love it, it is so zingy & tasty, yum yum!

When he got home he spent some quality cuddle time with Professor Snuggles who has been missing him a little I think, ha ha~
Doesn't the Professor look impressed?

I watched another couple episodes of 13 Reasons Why before heading to bed.

That reminded My Honey of one of his prize possessions he found at a second hand shop so he had to dig it out.
He is super proud of it!

As we usually go away for May long weekend, lots of memories were popping up on Facebook.
These were all from last year when we went to Vancouver/Seattle.

We flew to Vancouver then took a 1 night cruise to Seattle from there.
This is on the cruise ship - what a gorgeous evening and what a hunk!

We checked out the Space Needle.

A sign I thought was clever.

Awesome light fixture!

Seattle Selfie!

We checked out Pike Place Market - loved it.

Went to the aquarium - enjoyed the otters so much - they are so playful & cute.
I could have watched them for hours.

Had a trio of chowders - sooooo insanely good.
I made a note on my receipt as a reminder to myself how good they were and our server ended up giving my note to the kitchen.
It wasn't what I intended but was glad they knew how much we enjoyed it.

Went on a cruise.

Discovered the gum wall

He was pretending to eat some off the wall - in reality he chewed up a piece of his own to add.

Saw some MAJOR Star Trek fans who got all dressed up and waited hours to have a picture take with Data.
I just happened to be walking by at the time and snapped this free picture.
I love that they were so into it and their costumes were phenomenal.

It was very busy but we just loved Seattle and will most likely go back some day.

My boy and his honey had some new pictures of their little Jasper adventure posted on facebook too.
I thought this was a cute one.

She is such a beauty and look at my goofy boy - love him so much.

Cute Couple!

Another wonderful day in the books for this girl.  Life sure is good.

Until next time, be happy!

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