Thursday 4 May 2017

Thankful Thursday

I was reading a blog today (I forget which one) and the theme of it revolved around Thankful Thursday and I thought what a great idea - so I copied it!

I think it's important to sit and reflect about all the things in life there are to be grateful for.
It is just healing and uplifting for the soul.

I am thankful for so many things - my health, my honey, my family, my job.
Life is wonderful and I feel blessed.
Today I was especially happy to see SUNSHINE, it sure does have a way of lifting the spirit.

Had a good mix of fresh veggies to snack on today and I am thankful that I took the time to prepare this for myself.

My poor plant.  It's been looking like this for a few weeks now and I finally broke down today and moved it to it's final resting place.
It was beautiful while it lasted.

I am thankful that My Honey makes the best biscuits in the whole entire world.
I am also thankful that I had the self control to not indulge in one today.
I know if I am ever in a crisis and I need a fresh biscuit STAT, My Honey will whip some up for me so it was much easier to so no to one today!

I am thankful that My Honey came home today - you can't tell by the expression on his face but Professor Snuggles was very excited to have him back too!

I am thankful that I have a treadmill to do workouts on.
I am thankful that I am able to do workouts and that my workout for today is complete.
Still only walking - a little bit of tenderness in my right ankle today so I really took it easy.

Professor Snuggles was thankful for the sunshine too!
He was just basking in it at the front door - he started acting a little bashful and was covering his face when I tried to take a picture.

I am thankful that while I was on the treadmill My Honey whipped up this delicious chicken ceaser salad for supper.
He makes the best dressing, it was absolutely delicious.
I could have eaten two bowls (but I didn't)

I am thankful for my in-laws who have one of the most beautiful gardens I have ever seen.
They put so much time and effort into it and we get to reap the benefits of all their hard work.
These are raspberries from their garden. 
I am also thankful that we still have a few more bags of them in the freezer.

Dessert was so delicious - just raspberries and Cool Whip
(the low fat kind which I am also super grateful for because it is so yummy).

I am also thankful for my boy and his sweet girl.
He posted this on Facebook today and I am over the moon grateful that he is a happy, kind human being.  Seeing him enjoy his life makes this mamma super pleased!

My mom went to a choir practice tonight with a friend.
I am thankful that she is getting out and doing things again.

She has always been a socially busy lady - involved in so much around the community so it's been hard seeing her miss out on all of that.
Plus I think getting out is just another form of therapy for her.
I know she'll be tired but I hope she enjoys herself!

If I take a moment to stop and think about it - there are just so many things to be thankful for and I am, Truly Thankful that is!

Life is good.

Until next time, be happy!

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