Monday 15 May 2017

Weigh In Day

Today was weigh in day.
I know I followed plan all week this week.
Even though I didn't actually track over the weekend I was careful about what I ate and made what I considered to be wise choices.
So I was expecting a loss today.

I got one!
248.6 lbs
That's down 4.2 lbs since last week.
I felt really good about that.

It was a dreary, rainy day today and the day at work felt long.
I was glad when it was over.

I watched a bit of Breaking Amish or Return to Amish (not sure which is which), but I could only take it for so long then I had to turn it off.
It's weird, I can't help watching it but when I do it kind of annoys me.
Anyway, I turned it off and went down to the store for dog food.
I picked up supper while I was there.

I get this Ceasar Salad mix all the time, it comes with everything you need except the romaine lettuce of course.
We usually doctor up the dressing a bit by adding anchovies and capers but I didn't bother today and it still tasted really good.  It is very garlicy which I love!

It was an easy supper but mom & I both enjoyed it. I waited until the last minute to add the salad dressing so it wouldn't be too soggy when My Honey got home and it was pretty good timing.

I watched a PVR'd episode of Anne and I was just wasting away time, putting off getting on the treadmill.
I was finally heading down and My Honey said it's ok to take a rest night.
Even though I didn't work out for the last four days, in my mind I instantly agreed, took the excuse and decided not to work out.
Then he said that he worked out at work by running up and down the stairs and doing push ups whenever he could.
Then I felt shamed or guilted into working out so it was back on.

In the end, I worked out!
On the schedule today was 5 min walk, 2 min run, 23 min walk.

This is my proud and happy face that I got of my butt and got the work out completed!
Watched some more This is Us.
I will only let myself watch it while I am working out - was hoping that would give me some extra incentive.

It cleared up outdoors this evening so I am hoping it stays that way and I am able to walk to work in the morning.

That's all for now.
Until next time, be happy.

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