Monday 22 May 2017

Happy Birthday to My Honey

Today is My Honey's birthday - I forgot first thing when I woke up but remembered to wish him a happy birthday before he headed out to the golf course.

As planned - I made myself a coffee then finished up watching the last 2 episodes of 13 Reasons Why.

I briefly considered going to the city again to get a swing for mom but decided not to in the end.
I will take a run in next weekend to pick one up for her.

Had a turkey & spinach on a Weight Watcher sandwich thin for breakfast.
I wasn't tracking my points this weekend but I think I have done well.
Today should have been weigh in day but as I wasn't at work today it will have to wait for tomorrow.

Made My Honey a tomato soup cake from scratch.

I ran out to the golf course in the afternoon to take a few things to them out there.
I stayed for a while and helped to do some dishes and stuff then I headed home to ice the cake.

I invited everyone to come out to the golf course for supper but my boy was still away, my one brother was working late and my niece was away camping so only mom & my other brother and his family were able to join us.

Miss A is just loving her dance costume and wears it often!
He's got the Elvis sneer going on.

Everyone is enjoying their meals.

N&K just happened to be out there for supper so they joined us for cake.

Helping to blow out the candles.

Everyone wanted in on the action.

I think he likes the cake.

My sparkly girl.

Just shoving it all in there.

I think he is in sugar heaven!

I had a little teeny piece.
I don't think it will be that damaging to my progress this week, will know for sure tomorrow.

I gave My Honey his gift earlier this week because he mentioned twice in as many days that he needed to get one (I got him an external hard drive to move all his photos too) and I was afraid he was going to go ahead and order one.
So I went and grabbed a few little things at the local grocery today just so I could still have something to give to him today on his actual birthday.

All in all, it was a great weekend, beautiful weather and I got to spend it with some of the people I love most in this world.

I didn't work out at all this weekend and I didn't make it for any of those bike rides like I planned.

I also didn't track my WW points but I was careful and didn't eat too much.
I am expecting a loss tomorrow - If I don't have one I will be surprised but I will not be thwarted.

I am feeling very in the zone right now and I just know that I am going to be successful this time at achieving my weight loss goals.

Nothing can stop me - except me - and I am not going to let that happen.

Back to work in the am but at least it will be a short week.

Until next time, be happy!

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