Tuesday 16 May 2017

Busy Little Bee to Real Low Key

It was sunny out this morning so I didn't even have to mull over it, I just walked to work.
It took about 20 minutes to walk down this morning and it was a lovely walk.

I walked home at lunch time and I took a different route than usual which was longer by about 5 minutes but it was good.
Walking home from work is all uphill, parts are a gradual incline and other parts are quite steep but it definitely more of a work out than walking to work in the morning.
I always feel great when I do it so I am going to try to do it as often as possible.
Especially on my designated "rest" days so I am still getting a few extra calories burned off.

It was a super, crazy busy day at work today.
I had 3 meetings right in a row, boom, boom, boom.
No time in between to do anything but it sure made the day go by fast.

I worked a little late at the office this afternoon and then did some more work when I got home to try to make up for what I wasn't able to get done because of all the meetings.

I had taken out some ground pork at lunch so on the way home I stopped at the store to pick up something to go with it.

I decided on spaghetti squash.
I normally cook it in the over but tried it in the microwave tonight.
I poked it full of holes then cooked it for 12 minutes.
Probably could have cooked it a little longer but it I prefer it to be a little on the el dante side as opposed to over cooked so I thought it was perfect.

I cooked up the ground pork, added mushrooms, onions, celery, a bag of coleslaw mix, can of tomatoes and some red lentils.
I learned the red lentil trick from a nutritionist I used to take classes from.
I sneak it in to lots of dishes, it adds extra fibre but you can't even tell it's there!

Then I added a bit of parmesan cheese and Voila, a delicious supper.

All in all, it was a pretty low key evening.
I worked intermittently throughout the evening on work stuff and watched the new episodes of Little People, Big World and 7 Little Johnston's.
I think Trent Johnston is a hoot!
Not too sure about Amy Roloff's guy friend but I hope it all works out for her.

Then it was pretty much time for this chick to hit the hay.
Only 2 more days until a super duper extra long weekend, yay!
Looking forward to it.
Until next time, be happy!

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