Monday 29 May 2017

Shopping Expedition

I had planned on taking my mom into Edmonton today to pick up a patio swing at Costco that she wants.
My brother needed a sitter so I offered to take the kiddos with me.
I love spending time with them so I didn't mind at all.

First thing Mr H did when he got to my place was roll his new little train right under the stove.
Miss A is the photobomber today.

He was down there trying to get it out.

Then Professor Snuggles thought he would try to help out too.
I had to pull the stove out to rescue it and swept it out while I was at it.
There were a few rogue m&m's under there and while I left for a moment to grab the dustpan, Mr H decided to eat one of them.
Little bugger!

The kiddos arrived early so we sat outside while mom was getting ready to go.
Mr H is trying his hardest here to get this balloon blown up.
Eventually I had to do it for him.

I had a bit of running around to do before we left.
Headed to the golf course to pick up a few things that needed returned then I had to meet My Honey on the highway because he had my Costco card.

We made it to the city just after lunch.
I got a few grocery items for the golf course then we were heading over to Walmart and wouldn't you know it.............

We got stuck at a train, again.  Only this time we were there right as the train started.
It was super long and when it finally did finish, another one came from the other direction so we had to wait for it too, and it was super slow.

Lots of time to take selfies in the truck though!

Waiting for the train selfies!

It seemed like it went on forever.
I timed it and it was really only 20 minutes but still, long enough.

We decided we would go for some lunch/supper and I let the kids pick the place so MacDonald's it was.

He pretty much just eats ketchup!

Just two cute girls hanging out, having some supper!

I had to pick up a few supplies at Walmart so I got that out of the way then we headed to Costco and that's when things went south.

The swing we were picking up is very large so I got a trolley for it and figured mom could push Mr H in a regular cart.
Boy was I mistaken.
Mr H wanted no part of sitting in a cart and he also did not want to be carried so he ended up having a melt down in Costco.
It was super frustrating and I know people around me were probably thinking all kinds of things about us but what can you do?
It's not the poor little guys fault, he was stuck in a car seat most of the day and I know he just needed to get some energy out.
I felt so bad for him.
Of course everything just seemed to take longer too - the line up was long at the checkout, then the receipt checkers at the exit were all line up and then we had to wait for some guys to help us load it on the truck.

It was quite the ordeal but we survived.
I was feeling drained after that however so we skipped the garden center (we were going to buy some flowers) and we just headed home.

Because I was feeling so bad for making them stay cooped up all day, we stopped half way home for a treat.

McFlurries all around!

I think it was a welcome treat.
I had one too, I just made sure I got the smallest size.

I dropped the kiddos off at home around 8pm.
Then I had my brother & my son meet me at my place to help unload the swing.
I thought I might have been able to do it myself but it was far too heavy.

After that I had to drop groceries out to the golf course so it was after 9pm by the time I finally made it home.
My Honey ended up working late so he arrived even later than that.

Another full day and I was feeling done out so I headed to bed.

So there is the weekend, gone again.
Weigh in tomorrow - I am looking forward to it.
I think I will be down.
I haven't been great at logging my food but I have been trying to keep my portions very small and also trying to make wise choices.

Guess we will see if my strategy is working or not.

Until next time, be happy!

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