Sunday 14 May 2017

Graduation Dress Hunt

I did not sleep well at all last night - even with my own pillow I just don't seem to get a good nights sleep on the beds at this hotel.
I don't understand it because it seems very comfortable ~ Weird!

As I was up early I got ready and headed to the gym.
They had only one treadmill and it was busy so I went and sat in the lobby to wait.
I waited 20 minutes and the lady was still using it so I gave up and went back to the room to get ready.

Everyone else was just getting up and showering so I drove to Tim Horton's and got us some breakfast.
I got everyone else the bacon & egg biscuit but I chose the healthier option of the breakfast wrap.

Mom got all decked out in her new threads and she is ready to go!

Miss M's mom met us as 10am just as planned (she drove up from Calgary this morning) and we headed to the mall to begin the prom dress hunt.

Graduation is only a few weeks away so there weren't a lot of options.
Miss M had to pick something that they had in stock as they wouldn't be able to order it in on time.
As it is so close to Grad, things were quite picked over.
Miss M was also quite set on a dark green or black dress so that limited the possibilities even further.
This was about the 3rd one she tried at the first store and it was the only one she came out of the dressing room in so we considered this as a possible contender. 

The lady at the second store said she had a perfect dress in the back and lo and behold, it was the winner.
You can see from the smile on her face that she was thrilled with this one.
So dress shopping didn't take too long and wasn't painful at all.
They even threw in the alterations for free and said they could get them done by the end of the day.
Really the dress fit very nicely other than being far too long for her.

Then we were on to finding the perfect shoes and finding those turned out to be far more difficult.

We did succeed in the end though.
I forgot to get a picture but she found them at Le Chateau so I looked for them on their website and here there are.
They are beautiful but I would so not want to have to walk in these all day.

We found all the goodies we needed so we went for lunch.

Miss M's mom very generously bought us lunch.
We had taco salad bowls, I had mine with pulled pork and it was very good.
We ate at the food court and they had their spring flower dresses on display.

These, unlike the other displays in the mall, were made with real flowers.

I like the colors on this one the most.

I thought the train on this one was beautiful.

Miss M & Mr T were staying in the city to pick up her dress and 6 pm then her mom was going to drive them home.
Mom & I had to the city by 3 pm at the very latest because Miss A's dance group was putting on a dance and dinner at 5:30 pm that we were going to.

After lunch we said our good-byes and made a quick stop at Walmart for supplies.
I invited the family over for a mothers day brunch tomorrow morning.

I couldn't get over how electric green everything looked.
I am not sure if it looked extra green because it was indeed extra green or if it's just been so long since I've seen green.
Either way, it is beautiful.  All the trees are sprouting leaves, the grass is growing, flowers are in bloom and I can't get enough of it.

As we got closer to home, everything was turning more and more brown and I even saw a few snow covered spots on the side of the road as we got close to town but it will be turning green soon enough and I for one am eager for that to happen.

We got to the dinner right at 5:15pm so good timing!
I took a video of Miss A's group dancing so I don't have a still photo of that.
These little ones in the ballet class were adorable.

Mom was smart and brought stuff to keep Mr H busy.
It worked for a little while!

He is very into coloring these days.

I brought Miss A some flowers for after her performance.
She did a great job.
She got two awards, one for Most Improved and another for Most Happy.
Great job Miss A! 
Spaghetti was on the menu for supper and even though Mr H liked it, he is still the king of making funny faces.
And check out those curls, I love them.

They had two kinds of ice cream for dessert and couldn't decide which kind so we had one of each.

They ran out of food so I ended up not eating there - wasn't really a weight watchers friendly meal anyway.

After the meal they had a dance party for the families.
I stayed for a bit and mainly followed Mr H around all over the place.
They had given the head of the dance group a Thank You gift and it had a helium balloon tied to it and this fellow being the ballon-atic that he is, spotted it and kept going over to it.
He was determined to get it but after dragging me over there many times, I think I realized finally that he wasn't going to get it and lost interest.

When I got home I had a piece of left over pizza from last night and.....

M & M YoCrunch.
I love these but don't get them often as they are a lot of WW points.
I thought the kiddos might like them for dessert tomorrow though so I bought a few.
I added some granola too and it was delish.

I headed to bed early as I had a full agenda tomorrow morning and I was tired.
It was a great day.

Until next time, be happy!

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