Wednesday 31 May 2017

First Official Men's Night of the Season

Woke up to another gorgeous, sunny day.  Geez, this must be some kind of record for our little town.
Of course I took advantage and walked down to work. 

I switched it up a little this morning and had tea instead of coffee.
I was never a tea drinker but when we went to London I kind of developed a liking for it.
I tried this Earl Grey and it is a little spicy & sweet and just so good.
Perfect start to the morning.

I had to help get a booth set up at a Wellness Fair that was taking place here in town so I got a ride to my truck and met the Chairman of our board over there.

It only took about a half hour to do so I headed back to work.
My plan was to go back and hang out at the booth for awhile but I never did make it.

I made myself an egg sandwich for lunch, I added spinach, ham, jalapeno laughing cow and spicy red pepper jelly.
It was quite a tasty creation.

I've been getting these a lot lately.
This is my favorite flavor.
It has a really great taste and it's only 1 WW point for 1/2 cup which is awesome!

This afternoon I was feeling kind of sleepy at my desk so I went on the hunt for a diet pepsi.
Couldn't find one but remembered I had these in my desk.
I go on a kick where I just can't get enough of them then it sort of dies off until the next spurt.
I forgot how refreshing they taste - this is my favorite flavor.

I also cut up some snacks to munch on at my desk.

After work I headed out to the golf course.
Tonight was the first men's night of the season so we were expecting it to be busy and it was.
I really enjoy working in that customer service capacity - I did it for so many years and I kind of miss it sometimes.  Just the interaction with people is enjoyable to me.
Plus I get to sort and organize money and being a math nerd, that really appeals to me.

The special tonight was bbq roast on a bun with potato casserole and carrots.
Ms S also made pizza which I had to try.
I skipped the bun and the potato casserole - I am not exactly sure how many WW points it would have been but I don't think I went over for the day.

We were there until about 10pm cashing out and cleaning up.
My Honey had worked late and showed up there around 9:30, he was on his way home so he had some supper and helped us out.

My sister sent these last week.

Little Mr.E lost his two front teeth!

He is so proud - and probably excited about the fact that the tooth fairy will be dropping by for a visit.
Such a handsome little dude, growing up too fast.
I miss he & his brother like crazy, especially when they hit milestones like this and I'm not there to share in the experience.
I am grateful for the technology we have though that allows me to keep in touch and connected!

My Honey & I chatted for a bit when we got home - feels like I haven't had much of a chance to spend alone time with him lately so it was nice.

We were both tired however so it wasn't long before we hit the sack.

Another wonderful day in the life of April.

Until next time, be happy!

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