Sunday 14 May 2017

Friday, Friday, Friday!

Friday, Friday, Friday - my favorite day of the week because I have the whole weekend to look forward to!
I wasn't going to walk to work this morning because I had a few things to do at lunch and I wanted to work out too as I am heading into the city after work but it was sunny so I decided at the last minute to just do it.
One of the other girls could give me a ride home at lunch so I would still have time to do all my "stuff" that needed doing.
Even though it was sunny, it was a chilly morning for walking - glad I grabbed a hoodie before I left!

It was extra muddy this morning since it had rained all night so I had to take a different route.

The morning was busy at work - lots to do.
I texted mom to see if she felt like having a greek salad for lunch.
She called me to tell me that yes she did so I ordered us each one.

I got a drive home from Ms. B, we stopped to pick up the salad then she dropped me at home.

I had cooked up lots of chicken breast so I cut a couple up to add to our salads and they were so goo.
Huge but I ate all of mine.
It took me my whole lunch hour to eat and it was only when I got back to work in the afternoon that I realized I had forgotten to work out as I had planned.

I had some delicious orange for lunch - they are tasting so good right now, must be coming into season.
Left work a little early as I we were heading into the city and I wanted to get there a little early.

These two were actually hanging out while I was packing up.
Mom & I are taking my niece, Miss M, to Edmonton for the night.
Her mom is meeting us there tomorrow and she is going to look for a prom dress.
Not a total girls trip as Miss M is bringing her guy but that's ok.
Wonder if he knows how fun dress shopping really is? Ha ha!

The closer we got to the city, the more spring like everything looked.
I don't know what kind of a tree/shrub this is but I thought the blooms were pretty.

I so would have won the punch buggy game today if My Honey had been with me.
This was the 5th one I saw and we were just getting to the city!

We decided to go to the mall when we got in. 
My brother had given my mom some money for Mothers Day so I wanted to take her shopping.
She's lost quite a bit of weight since the stroke so she needed some new clothes.

Miss M & Mr T ditched us as soon as we got to the mall.

Mom & I shopped at Cleo's.
I used to shop there years ago when I still lived in Dartmouth and I kind of forgot how much I liked it.
Mom got a couple tops, a few pairs of pants and a couple new pair of sandals.
Like me, she has always been a big flip flop wearer but since the stroke, she is unable to wear them so needed to get a sandal that goes around her heel.

So many little things we all take for granted every day.

I remembered the nice necklaces I had seen the night we went to the Dinner Theatre so I went in the store where I'd seen them to have a look.
I bought a heart shaped one (actually, mom insisted on buying it for me for mothers day).

I saw this fishy one that I really liked as well so I took a picture to show My Honey.

I ended up going back later just before we left and I bought it as well.

We were sitting waiting for Miss M & Mr T to meet back up with us and I noticed they had these big flowers hanging out of the trees.
I also noticed for the first time today that all the flowers throughout different sections of the mall that I always thought were real, were actually fake.

Saw a few adults go by riding these.  I thought they were just advertising them but I noticed that anyone can actually rent them and drive them around.
Maybe something to do next time!

It was my pick for supper so we went to Famosa (saw 2 more punch buggy's in the parking lot there)

Miss M & Mr T

Me & the Mama

Had my favorite - Cavoletti

We had 3 pizzas between us - strangely nobody else wanted to try my choice, so we ended up taking most of that one home.
My Honey will appreciate it!

It was about 9:30 when we arrived at the hotel, Chateau Nova.
I was going to work out but changed my mind and decided I would go in the morning.
I always get a sore neck when I sleep there so I started bringing my own pillow, which I did today.

Mom & I had a giant King size bed to share.
She was tired so we just went to bed, I want to get an early start anyway!

Tomorrow should be fun!
Until next time - be happy.

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