Monday 1 May 2017

May is Here

Back to the grind today.
It's the start of a new week and the start of a new month.

First things first - today was weigh in day.
I was expecting good things
and I wasn't disappointed.

That's down 10.4 pounds since last week.

I know I can't expect results like this every week and it was more to do with left over swelling after travelling but it was still nice.

And in other nice news

Just look at all that grass - it may be dead & brown but it's still fabulous as far as I am concerned.

My friend sent me a picture of this awesome PDPB (Police Department Punch Buggy)

I had some left over crunchy pea salad for supper and for lunch.
The more I have it the more I like it.
I was looking for something to watch while I ate and lo & behold this was on

I hadn't seen it in so long I thought it was cancelled.
I am glad it wasn't though - I really enjoy it.
I really enjoy the relationship between mom & dad.
Tonight was just a teaser, tomorrow night is the first episode of season 2 - guess who will be watching.

It was quite long though and I had paused it a few times to go and do things so at 8:20pm when it still wasn't over, I decided to turn it off for tonight and head down for a walk on the treadmill.

Since I am all caught up with Heartland - I decided to get started on another series I have been wanting to watch.

I have been wanting to watch this since before it even started but just have never gotten around to it.
I have seen it on a few times but didn't want to start mid season.
So I started off with the pilot tonight and already I just know it is going to be as good as I was expecting.

I took it slow and easy on the treadmill but even so, I was a little sweaty at the end.
My left ankle/foot was feeling a little tingly but nothing major.
I am going to keep to my plan and just stick to only walking and only 20 minutes or so for this week.

It was another great day to be alive!

That's all for today - until next time, be happy!

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