Monday 29 May 2017

A Parade and A Birthday

I was up and at 'em early today.  I knew I had a busy day ahead of me and I really wanted to sit and enjoy a coffee before I got started so that's exactly what I did.

I browsed Facebook a little while I was having my coffee and this memory popped up from 3 years ago.

My co-worker Ms.B and I did the triathlon they had here in town.  It was swimming, then biking then running.
I tripped on the sidewalk as I was getting there (before it even started) and hurt my toe and ankle really badly.
I completed the whole thing but my ankle I don't think has ever fully recovered.

Seeing this made me has made me eager to get back at running.

After my coffee I headed over to finish up some last minute float preparations.

Here is part of the parade float crew.

Mr. K is digging out foreman (who incidentally lost his head on the drive over to the parade line up).

Ms. S and I in our oilfield gear.  In the past 50 years our company has had several different owners and we were able to find gear with the names of all those companies.
Just standing around waiting for the parade to start.

It was wonderful to see how many participants were involved in the parade.
It was the 50th Birthday of the town this weekend and there was a lot of reminiscing going on.
I have only been here for 10 years but it is a great community and I love events like this.

My Co-Worker Ms.S made the parade a family event - her son & hubby joined us on the float.

A lot of effort went into these floats, this was the town float.

Photo bomber! (He most definitely is not camera shy!)

The line up of participants went on and on.
Soo fantastic!

Another great float.

They even got the back hoe all decked out for the parade.

Snow Mobiling is a big sport around here - it's a great area for it.
Check out this retro ski-doo - so cool!  Boy have they sure changed.

Our float.

The local gym participated.  The T-Rex's waited until the last minute to get suited up because it was quite hot out and it gets pretty steamy inside those suits.

I love how they put the ripped t-shirt on the one T-Rex - great idea!

The parade route went right by my place so I pulled out some chairs for mom and invited my SIL and Mr. H to go down to my place to watch it.
We were throwing out candy and mini footballs.
We went through the mini footballs but luckily I'd stashed one away for Mr. H.

He was so excited to see me when we went by.
He is pointing at me.

And I could just hear his little voice exclaiming in wonderment "Apil"!
I love how he says my name - it is so cute!
Look at the big smile on his face - how could you not just fall in love with it?

The Home Hardware here in town came up with this great float idea.
It was a golf cart and they turned it into a birthday cake.
It was my favorite.

We ended up winning first place for the industrial category.
Hard to believe Mr.K was super duper shy when he was younger.

They we are - the Parade Crew celebrating our win!
It was a lot of fun and I hope it becomes a more frequent event here in town.

After the parade I headed out to the golf course.
The golf course kitchen was making and supplying the midnight lunch for the dance that was being held in town this evening and as My Honey was at work, I offered to go out and help.

First things first though - I had them whip me up a taco salad for lunch and it hit the spot!

Then I corrected the error I had made on the sign.

I had to run back to town at 3:30 as SIL was having a birthday party for Mr. H.
Mom and I went over.

Here he is opening some gifts, he is just the king of making silly faces.

SIL's dad lives on the BC coast and caught a salmon which he brought to her and she cooked up for supper.  It was so good, I just love salmon.
She also made a really tasty potato salad that I enjoyed.
I didn't figure out the points but I tried to keep my portion small so I think I did ok.

Miss A blowing up some balloons to decorate.
SIL made this cake for the birthday.
She thought it didn't look that great but I thought she did a fantastic job for her first try.

Another silly face.
Couldn't get him to eat any supper but he dug right in to the cake.

I had a piece of cake too but again, I kept my portion very small.
Hard to tell from the picture but this is a very skinny slice.

After the party, I headed back to the golf course to do some more prep.
Most of it was done so I loaded up a bunch of stuff that had to go into town and headed to the arena to drop it off.
They had comedians scheduled for tonight as well.
Each year the hockey club in town has Puck n Funny as a fundraiser.
It's a supper followed by comedians followed by a dance.
This year they combined it with the 50th birthday so I had purchased a ticket to see the show.
They didn't really knock my socks off unfortunately.

One of the businesses in town donated this photo booth to the 50th birthday celebrations.
They provided props and gave free pictures.
What a generous thing to do - and a great idea.
Ms B, Ms S & I had to check it out.

We hung around for a bit then around 10:30 I helped Ms S put out the midnight lunch.

I took a plate for myself - again - I kept the portion small.

They had a bunch of raffle items to raise money as well.
You purchased tickets then put them in the buckets of the items you were interested in winning.
I won this indoor/outdoor lamp.
I am lucky - I usually seem to win prizes at these things, which is great.
Even if I didn't though - I feel good supporting the clubs around town so it's a win win either way.

This is my "I think I look good tonight but I am going to bed now so I better take a picture to remember it" selfie!
Something one might do after a night of drinking (although I must disclose that I didn't drink a drop).

I got home around 12:30.
There was a line break nearby so we didn't have any water and they had the crews working on it so I could hear the hydrovac out there just a going.

My Honey was already in bed when I got home so I didn't really even get to see him today.

It was a lovely, busy day - the weather was awesome - just an all around feel good day.
I love days like this.

Off to the city in the morning so that's all for now.

Until next time, be happy!

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