Saturday 28 October 2023

Co-Worker Birthday and (Oct.27, 2023)

One of our co-workers, Tim Christensen, turns 60 this weekend so we decorated up his office this morning for him.

Streamers on the doorway.

We printed out a bunch of 60's and just put the everywhere.

Blair blew up some balloons for us and Bonnie, Shennelle and I did the rest.

I think it turned out pretty good.
That Elmo I made for Freya's 2nd birthday is becoming a staple around here.

Freya and Jason were hanging out - he gave her a make up kit we bought for her and she tried it out.
I'm impressed that she kept it simple.

I had to run 4 miles today - I had wanted to do it outside but it was snowing a little and it was cold so treadmill it was.

I started off at a 4.1 and went up a bit from there.
I watched some When Calls the Heart to pass the time and I was drenched when I finished.

I washed up and headed back to the office.
It was a pretty quiet afternoon - Friday's normally are.
Nadine stopped by for a visit with Bonnie and I.

When I got home after work, Freya and Papa were busy doing all kinds of stuff, making play dough, coloring and...

Dance Party with Papa.

we took Freya back home so she could spend a night with mom and dad and her new little sissy before we go to the city tomorrow - we are taking her in there for the night.

I got to see Eden - she's so tiny and precious.

Haylee posted some more pictures of her I thought I would share.
I love the little fist by her cheek.

She's got her Stitch blanket.

Snuggling with Mom.

Dad is so in love.

She definitely sleeps a LOT.

Aww - she looks just like Freya did when she was a baby.

Back at home Jason and I had a quiet night.
He made us pork for supper and we watched some vlogs before calling it a night.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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