Monday 23 October 2023

Toronto Trip Day 2 - St Lawrence Market, North of Brooklyn Pizzeria and Happy Burger (Oct.14, 2023)

Jason went out for a run this morning.

It was a rest day for me and I took advantage of that and slept in a bit.

When Jason got back, we went to a breakfast spot he'd looked up but there was an hour wait so he looked up another and it was a 20 minute walk away and by the time we got there, it had a big line up as well so he looked up a third place which was a bagel spot so we headed over there, another 10 - 15 minute walk away.


We passed by this pretty church on the way.

Some old buildings - I love all the architectural details.

Passed a park - everything looks nice and green here still.

Some random artwork on an over pass.

Then we made it to the bagel shop and realized it was inside St Lawrence Market which was a spot I'd wanted to check out anyway so win/win.

It's an old pretty brick building with all kind of food vendors inside.

We went to the bagel spot first - it was super busy and I felt really rushed so I just ordered a bagel with cream cheese.
Jason got the bagel with lox.

They weren't that great for how busy it was but at least we had some food in our bellies so then we went back in to have more of a look around.

There was this Carousel Bakery that was home of the world famous peameal breakfast sandwich.

It was lined right up so we figured it was something we better try and we bought one.

There were two floors of vendors.

There were meats.

So much to chose from.

Lots of bakeries.

Lots of spots to sit and have a bite.

Cheeses and deli items.

Lots of people.

This one particular bakery had lots of delicious looking goodies so we picked a few things to try like this Karpaty cake.

And this almond pretzel.
We got a few other things as well and just took them back to the hotel with us to try later.

On the way back we popped into a Winners and I got myself a new pair of mittens.
Also so this real bell like the ones I made last year at Christmas time - I might paint a couple of mine like this one - I like how it looks.

Back at the hotel we tried the peameal breakfast sandwich.
I give it a 5/10.

We got a sesame bagel to try - it was dry, not the best.

I love me a scone - I got a couple to try, pumpkin, cheddar and chive and raspberry& lemon.
None of them really knocked my socks off to be honest.

This was an almond croissant - it was again not the best, just ok.

I got a pistachio dessert - I didn't like this at all.

The almond pretzel.

and finally the Karpaty cake.
It was all quite disappointing to be honest - we each had a bite of each and the rest went into the garbage.
We hung out at the room briefly then decided to head back out again and get some supper.
We wanted to go to this pizza place that Dave Portnoy gave the highest score to when he was here last year, North of Brooklyn Pizza.

Passed by this giant thimble - must have been the fashion district.
There were lots of fabric stores and I did pop into one and by a yard of green gingham check for Christmas crafting.

Then we happened to notice a bunch of murals down this kind of alley/side street, so we followed it in.

There were some really great murals.

Turns out it was actually called Graffiti Alley and it was just filled with all kinds of great artwork.

So here are just a bunch of pictures of all of the artwork there - I'm not going to caption them all.

These birds were kind of sprinkled all throughout the artwork.

Love the old buildings.

This store had these awesome corbels - I checked to see if they would fit in my suitcase - they would not but they were super cool - I would have loved to have been able to get them.

Finally we made it to North of Brooklyn Pizzeria.

It was just a small little place but it was hopping.

My Honey and I - looking forward to pizza.

We ordered 2 medium pizzas.

I chose the pesto vodka pie.

Jason got the pepperoni.

Look at those curled up little pepperoni cups and the bubbled crust.

The pizza was fantastic - we both declared the pesto vodka one our favorite.

We had a couple slices left over and you know we took those back to the hotel with us.

On the way we passed this Nord Lyon Cafe that had some really fantastic looking baked goods so we stopped to try a couple things.

We got a pistachio croissant - it was really good.

A strawberry tart - this was my favorite of what we had there.

Then we had to try this croissant with the green stripes - it looked so unusual and we'd never seen anything like it before.

It was green inside too - it was actually lemon flavored so not sure why it was green but it was good.

We were just kind of walking around checking things out and passed by this really cool sculpture.

It looked kind of flat then if you walked and looked at it from a different perspective it looked round like a whole head.

It was really interesting - I don't think I've ever seen anything like it before.

We ended up in the China town area - I loved this statue of a girl holding a big bowl of soup.

We were looking for Kensington Market.

Found it.
It was supposed to have all these great restaurants with all different kinds of food - it mainly looked like Asian food to us - all the spots were crazy busy though so must have been good food.

We did come across this place called the Taste Bender.

They had cookies and the guy that worked in there was super friendly and really excited about his cookies so we got a couple to try.
We tried the chocolate chocolate chip.

The regular chocolate chip.

Then he gave us a red velvet one on the house and it ended up being our favorite.

We continued on walking and I noticed this burger place down a little side road so we decided to check it out.

Happy Burger.

We weren't overly hungry so we just got a burger to share, the Oklahoma Onion Burger.
We loved it, it was a fantastic burger.
I kind of was wishing I was hungrier so I could get another to try.

It came in this box with this cute message inside.

More artwork we saw on the way back to the hotel.

This was the Toronto Art Gallery.

It had this elephant statue out front.

It looked like it was made out of a leathery type of fabric or something but it was actually metal.
Pretty cool.

More of the little birds we saw sprinkled here and there through Graffiti Alley were here as well in the Arts District.

Pretty cute.

Jason always notices stuff like this, just a random message on the sidewalk.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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