Sunday 22 October 2023

Toronto Trip Day 1 - Hoka Store, Chick-Fil-A, Chicken Ramen (Oct.13, 2023)

We were due to arrive in Toronto at 6 am and ended up getting in a bit early, around 5:40 which was nice.

It was still dark out so Jason got a good view of all the lights in the city.

We hopped on the UP train at the airport and took it into the city.
It was just over 12 bucks a person, took 25 minutes and it was super easy.

It took us to Union Station downtown Toronto and what a gorgeous building.

The sun was coming up when we emerged from Union Station.

There's the most iconic building in Toronto - CN Tower.

So happy to be here!
Our hotel was only a couple blocks away from the station so we just walked over there to drop our luggage off.
We had asked for an early check in but we weren't really expecting to get one.
However, when we got there, she told us that if we didn't mind being on the 3rd floor that she had a room ready.
So awesome!
We jumped on it.
We went to the room and had a nap - both of us were tired and it was so nice to be able to do that.
We were staying at Residence Inn by Marriot - it was a really nice room.

After a couple hours rest (and I was out like a light) we were hungry.
The front desk clerk recommended this Siempre Restaurant which wasn't too far from the hotel so we headed over there.

It had an outdoor eating area but it didn't seem to be open.

I had a veggie omelet.

With a side of bacon.

Then we just decided to do some walking around.

We saw a Homesense so we went in to check it out.
They have all their Christmas stuff out and  I thought this deer was super cute.
I ended up buying it and a brown version of the same deer.

I really liked this tree as well.
I wish I could cut stuff like this out myself - I'm going to have to buy myself a jigsaw and learn how to use it.

Cool mural we saw.

I love the fancy details on the older buildings.

We decided to walk over to the Eaton center because there is a Hoka store there and the old city hall was right beside it.

What a gorgeous building.

We found the Hoka store and we both got new sneakers.
I can't wait to try mine out on my run later today.
They are Clifton 9's
I have a pair of Clifton 8's and I love them.

We found a Chick-fil-a in the foodcourt in the mall - I didn't think they had any in Canada so that was a happy find.
We got some lunch there.

I had the chicken club burger - their sauce is so good.

My Honey.

We weren't looking too bad for only having gotten a couple hours of sleep all night.

We walked through the Bay and they had this Christmas display.

I really like how it looks, had to take a picture from both sides just to show how it looked.

Then we also really liked this shelf.

I was thinking Jason might be able to make a smaller version of it.

We treated ourselves each to a Purdy's chocolate on our way out.
I had a mango one and Jason tried a green apple one.

It's almost like being in New York City with all the tall buildings only a lot less busy.

We happened upon this elephant statue.

I like the two little babies in the back.

 A really nice fountain in the center of this square area.

The sun behind the CN Tower.
I thought it looked cool.

We walked down toward the waterfront just to check it out.
Saw this giant picnic table.

It was quite pretty along the water.

Such a good man - carrying all of our purchases.

I always love it when the sun is sparkling on the water.

The CN Tower.

We had to walk by it so I got to take a picture looking straight up at it.

You can barely see it but those little objects sticking out from the top of the circle ledge there are people doing the skywalk.
You can get all strapped and tethered up and walk around the top of the CN Tower.
Not an activity I am interested in doing, EVER, but still kind of cool.

This is right out front of the CN Tower.
I was in it years ago when I brought Kody here for a vacation so I didn't really feel the need or urge to go up in it again.

The Blue Jays stadium was right there as well and there were these cool sculpture things - people looking over the balcony.

Two different ones - I thought they were super cute.

I still had to run my 3 miles and Jason wanted to get a run in too so we went back to the hotel to drop off our packages, changed into our running gear then headed back to the waterfront to go for a run.
We took off in the same direction but of course Jason is much faster than me so it wasn't long before he was out of my sight.

I ran along the waterfront all the way to this park and that was about the 3k mark for me so I turned to go back and was treated to this lovely view of downtown Toronto and the CN Tower.

Of course I had to stop and take a selfie.

I'm loving the new Hoka's.

I must have miscalculated a bit because when I got back to where Jason and I were going to meet, I had nearly 7k in - so I just kept going until I got to 7k.
It was a good run except for the last little bit I had to go to the bathroom so that makes it uncomfortable to run but I found a Tim Horton's right where I finished up so that was a relief.

The exercise details.

My average pace and splits.
Pretty good average - I was happy with that.

We went back to the room after our run and changed then headed back out to get something to eat.

We saw this chicken based ramen place earlier today when we were out and about so we decided to go there for supper.

The place was just packed which tells me that it's good.

Looks like they have won some awards!

Looking forward to trying a new ramen spot.

So was I - we don't see chicken based ramen often and I like it so I was stoked.

I got the black garlic.
It was so good.

Jason got a spicy one - you could pick level 1 - 4 - he picked level 2 and said it was plenty spicy for him and he loves it spicy so I can't even imagine what the level 4 would have been like.

We tried their potstickers too and they were also delicious.

The CN Tower all lit up on our way back to the hotel.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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