Friday 27 October 2023

Toronto Trip Day Three - Cafe Landwer, Happy Burger and Scuddabush (Oct.15, 2023)

I had to do a longer run today and Jason wanted to do one too so we spent some time online looking for a place to go run.

We knew the Toronto Waterfront Marathon was being held his morning so we figured that the trails down there would be busy.

So we found a park that was a little ways away and decided to rent a couple bikes, bike there, run and then bike back.

We came across the marathoners on our way there so we stopped to watch for a bit.

You see some runners who are struggling and others who look like they aren't exerting any effort at all.
Its always a really fun environment though with the crowds cheering.

We realized when we got down there that of course they weren't running on the trails, there are like 25,000 participants so there is no way they'd all fit on those little trails - instead they actually have the roads closed.
I feel kind of dumb that I didn't think of that but it was still nice to see a new park.

It was a 4km ride over to the park.
We found a spot to park the bikes then just started running.

I had to run 7 miles or 11.2k,
I didn't really know where I was going and ended up doing this loop around and inside part of the park a couple times.
around 7k in I realized that I'd not eaten anything yet today nor did I bring anything with me to eat so I wasn't sure if I was going to make the 11.2k - I kind of felt like I was running out of steam.

I just kept going though and even ended up doing a little extra at the end.
So 12.3k all together.

My exercise details.

My average pace and splits.
At the 4th km I encountered a very tall, steep hill.
I slowed right down to try to make it to the top but ended up having to walk a little to make it to the top.

Soooo happy that this run is over.
I texted Jason and he was still running as he wanted to do 21k.
He said he was just going to head back toward the downtown and I got another bike rental and headed back.

I biked 6k back (I got the bike right inside the park this time) - I pretty much met up with Jason just as he was finishing up his run.

We were both hungry so we didn't even go back to the hotel, we headed right over to see if we could get into Cafe Landwer today.
It was just a short wait so we did it.

It's a cute little spot - very popular and very busy.

We got the yogurt and granola - yummy.

Then I got a salad which was delicious.

Jason got the Shakshouka - which is a Mediterranean egg dish.

He also had the deep fried haloumi bites (cheese).
They were good.

Then we went to the hotel, showered up and headed back out again.

This is where the finish line for the marathon was - they were just cleaning things up over there.

We went back to the Eaton center again - I got a sweater at Marks that I really liked and they had one there in another color so I went back to get it.

Then we walked over to Happy Burger so we could both get another burger.
Jason got the oklahoma onion one again and I got a truffle one they had on special and it was so delicious.

We did LOTS of walking around Toronto today - got a lot of steps in.

We decided to go to a movie tonight but first, we wanted to have a nice dinner at a restaurant for our last evening there.
I was craving pasta which is odd for me but we found this place called Scaddabush that had good ratings so we went there.

We sat at the bar while we waited for a table.

It had a really nice ambience to it and again, it was really busy in there - popular spot.

It didn't take long at all for us to get a table.

My Honey.


We got a meatball for an appy.

Jason got Carbonara.

I got lemon shrimp linguini.
OMG - it was amazing.
It had deep fried capers on it which I love and the sauce was divine.
I wouldn't even have missed the shrimp if they hadn't been there.

We finished off with a cheesecake and berries.
The cheesecake was very soft and delicate and it was also fantastic.
It was such a great meal - I'm so glad we went there.

From there we walked over to the movie theater.
Jason suggested this movie, The Creator.
I'd never heard a thing about it but the trailer looked good and it did not disappoint.
It's one of the best movies I've seen in awhile.

Then it was back to the hotel room for our last night in the city.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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