Friday 3 November 2023

City Trip with Freya (Oct.28, 2023)

After Jason went for his run this morning, we packed the car up, picked up Freya and headed to the city for the night.

Freya had my phone the whole drive and I noticed afterwards that she took some selfies.

I love the pose, ha ha. 

We stopped at Raggs to Riches on our way so I could pick up the IOD stamp I'd purchased on their online store.

I ended up buying two more IOD moulds too and they had this Miss Piggy there on display.

I used to have a Miss Piggy doll and I just loved it.

We stopped a few more places then we were ready to get something to eat and Freya wanted ramen.

So we went to Kazoku Ramen.


Me and my girl.

Watching videos and waiting for the food to arrive.

We had potstickers.

Then we also had the black tonkotsu ramen.

She had her own bowl of soup for the first time instead of sharing.

She loves the eggs. 
I ordered her an extra one and then she had Jason's too.

She loves noodles.

Giving Papa the eye for taking her picture.

Trying to suck the juice up through the chopstick.

After we ate all she wanted to do was go to the hotel.
So we took her there, Jason stayed in the room with her and I headed out to do a bit more shopping that I needed to do.

They had a pillow fight.

She checked out the view.

There was a countertop area that she just loved.

She sat there and colored and watched Hotel Transylvania.

When I got back, we were all ready for supper.
There was a ChopT right in the hotel so we went down to eat but there was an hour long wait.
We went back to the room and just before the hour was up, they called and said they had a table ready.

My girl and I.

I love big smiles.

She didn't want anything to eat except a slice of cheesecake and she didn't want to wait for it either.

She ate most of it and she didn't want to share.

They had blue cheese gnocchi so we ordered that - it was tangy and quite good actually.

I got an avocado salad with chicken.

Jason ordered a steak salad.
The food was good.

All three of us shared a chocolate orange pot de cream.

It was around 9 by this point, Freya wanted to go swimming and I still needed steps so I hopped on the treadmill in the hotel gym.
It was a huge gym - lots of treadmills.

I had my bathing suit on, my cover up and a pair of Jason's jogging pants because all I had with me was jeans and also I planned on going swimming when I was done.

Took me about 26 minutes to get the rest of my steps.

I went down to the pool to join Freya and Jason but she was done swimming and wanted to go back to the room.

It was a Sandman and it was a nice room, we'd never stayed there before.

Saw some cute craft ideas online.
I love the hat on the snowman.

I wonder if I could make a few penguins.

This would be a good idea to use up some of the bells that I made last year.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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