Friday 10 November 2023

Finally Feeling Better (Nov.8, 2023)

I was feeling like 95% better today - Yay!!!
Just about there.

Jason sent this super cute picture of Paddington pondering life.

When he was out for his run, he found these little pinecone clusters that he thought I might like and I do!
He said there are tons of them there so we are going to go back and collect some for my crafting.

They had this fire blanket at work that was expired so had to be replaced but it will still do the job it needs to so I took it home for Jason.
Seemed like such a waste to just throw it out.

I had to run 5k today - I considered going outside for it but it was on the cold side and I'm a baby so I went on my treadmill.

I love the feeling of a completed workout - it's good for the soul.

After work I got some more coats of paint on the pails.

I'd done some of the white ones at lunch time so they were ready to use.

I had a few ideas - I didn't glue any of this in because I was just playing around to see if I like it but I think I do.

I wanted to used up some of the snowmen and trees and things that I made so this was another idea I came up with.
Jason liked them - I'm going to take them to work tomorrow and see what the girls think and if they like them then I think I'll go ahead and glue it all in place.

Crystal is keeping the girls busy over in Regina.
They went to the Science Center today - the kids in Regina have school today so Crystal said they pretty much had the whole place to themselves.

Dinosaur exhibit.

Colorful stairs.

Wow - giant mouth - look at those teeth.

Water fun.

Looks like fun.

Do you have a license Mame?

Bunny Zeppy

Freya Moose.

Looks like she's inside of the fish tank.

Glub, glub, glub!

I'm not quite sure what she's doing here.

Optical illusion.


Ha ha - 

Rita was along with the girls at the science center too.

Playing some games.

She's ready to go to work.

Little artists.

Making silly faces.

Crystal and the girls.

I love the hard hat and the tool belt - must be lunch break for the construction workers.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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